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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Would a FFVII remake be exclusive to the PS3?

Yes, on PS3, because SE love their remakes

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1) Unfortunately

2) Who's desperate enough to pay the most? (a.k.a. Sony)

3) Because Square's policy is to re-release all their Final Fantasy games at least six times.

Considering that it has had the rest of the remakes...I suspect FFVII to be made for the DS.

It has the largest install well as the largest hardcore RPG audience.

starcraft said:

Certainly a great deal of people that played it on PS1 now own Xbox 360/Wii. And given it would be a remake, its got a greater chance of going to a non-Sony platform (even if it is multiplatform).

IS there any particular reason why Square Enix would invest large amounts of money into this title then make it Ps3 exclusive if Sony didn't pay for it?


1) Do you believe there will be a FFVII remake?

2) What platforms do you believe it will be on?

3) Why?

1) Eventually.  However not till like.... 2012

2) Wii, DS or a Next gen system.

3) They have said they don't want to remake it unless they have the full cast together again... likely because unlike previous FF, 7 would take some reworking.  Also, i've got the feeling that they realize if they re-release it a lot of it's faults will really shine.

Why Wii or DS?  Welll, it will sell anywhere and DS and Wii have the biggest userbases.  Next gen system because it might not come out this gen. 

Words Of Wisdom said:
starcraft said:

Certainly a great deal of people that played it on PS1 now own Xbox 360/Wii. And given it would be a remake, its got a greater chance of going to a non-Sony platform (even if it is multiplatform).

IS there any particular reason why Square Enix would invest large amounts of money into this title then make it Ps3 exclusive if Sony didn't pay for it?


1) Do you believe there will be a FFVII remake?

2) What platforms do you believe it will be on?

3) Why?

1) Yes.

2) No platform currently available today.

3) Squeenix has a habit of rehashing their franchises and they can make plenty of money from spinoffs in the meantime. If they redid FF7 poorly, they'd likely lose all a lot of money off brand-name damage. It's clear they want to capitalize on FF7 by doing spinoffs right now but once those sales start coming down, they'll do a remake to refresh the image.

I couldn't agree more.

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makingmusic476 said:
1. Yes

2. PS3

3. Because the original tech demo for a FFVII remake was made for the ps3 (and the trailer that came with CC:FFVII for the PSP was even more detailed than the tech demo), and it seems like most fans simply want a graphics upgrade (a hefty graphics upgrade, judging by the drooling of fans over the tech demo), rather than a controls upgrade, which would fit perfectly on the ps3. Plus, FFXIII/FFVXIII + FFVII would convince just about every FF fan out there to get a ps3, garnering more sales for all three, imo.

It could go multiplat ps3/360, but it would sell 8+ mil. regardless of platform, so it's by no means necessary or guaranteed.

Hell, even I'd buy it, and I've never played a FF (I just bought FFX, but haven't started it yet).

I agree it'd make sense most for the fans for it to be on PS3. (Probably, a LOT of PS1 owners don't have PS3s. More might actually have Wiis, though of the two, i'd think a remake would have to be better on PS3.)

So would a FF6 remake for that matter... or any Final Fantasy remake.

What's best for the fans rarely happens however when pocketbooks are involved... basing logic on what seemes best for the fans is a fools erand.

8 Million for a remake seems highly dubious however, no matter what it is.

I prefer my old-school FF (1 to 6) to be remade on DS, like the old DQ, because they fit to the DS. If they were made for consoles it would alienate them a lot from their originals.

FFVII and upwards though must be made for HD consoles and eventually PC. Like zero said, for fans of the main series of FF (from VII and upwards) it wouldn´t make sense to remake them for Wii and handhelds. I would rather replay them than buy a pointless DS, PSP, Wii remake.

memory2zack said:
I prefer my old-school FF (1 to 6) to be remade on DS, like the old DQ, because they fit to the DS. If they were made for consoles it would alienate them a lot from their originals.

FFVII and upwards though must be made for HD consoles and eventually PC. Like zero said, for fans of the main series of FF (from VII and upwards) it wouldn´t make sense to remake them for Wii and handhelds. I would rather replay them than buy a pointless DS, PSP, Wii remake.

 Final Fantasy 1-6 isn't part of the main series? Wow I must have been lost since I played my first FF when I was 4. 

FF7R is probably the biggest bullet on SE arsenal, be sure they'll take the decision that reaps them the most money. If for whatever reason they want the remake to debut in a playstation console, they'll wait until a playstation console is leading again. So, current-gen wii, otherwise PS?.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).