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makingmusic476 said:
1. Yes

2. PS3

3. Because the original tech demo for a FFVII remake was made for the ps3 (and the trailer that came with CC:FFVII for the PSP was even more detailed than the tech demo), and it seems like most fans simply want a graphics upgrade (a hefty graphics upgrade, judging by the drooling of fans over the tech demo), rather than a controls upgrade, which would fit perfectly on the ps3. Plus, FFXIII/FFVXIII + FFVII would convince just about every FF fan out there to get a ps3, garnering more sales for all three, imo.

It could go multiplat ps3/360, but it would sell 8+ mil. regardless of platform, so it's by no means necessary or guaranteed.

Hell, even I'd buy it, and I've never played a FF (I just bought FFX, but haven't started it yet).

I agree it'd make sense most for the fans for it to be on PS3. (Probably, a LOT of PS1 owners don't have PS3s. More might actually have Wiis, though of the two, i'd think a remake would have to be better on PS3.)

So would a FF6 remake for that matter... or any Final Fantasy remake.

What's best for the fans rarely happens however when pocketbooks are involved... basing logic on what seemes best for the fans is a fools erand.

8 Million for a remake seems highly dubious however, no matter what it is.