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Words Of Wisdom said:
starcraft said:

Certainly a great deal of people that played it on PS1 now own Xbox 360/Wii. And given it would be a remake, its got a greater chance of going to a non-Sony platform (even if it is multiplatform).

IS there any particular reason why Square Enix would invest large amounts of money into this title then make it Ps3 exclusive if Sony didn't pay for it?


1) Do you believe there will be a FFVII remake?

2) What platforms do you believe it will be on?

3) Why?

1) Yes.

2) No platform currently available today.

3) Squeenix has a habit of rehashing their franchises and they can make plenty of money from spinoffs in the meantime. If they redid FF7 poorly, they'd likely lose all a lot of money off brand-name damage. It's clear they want to capitalize on FF7 by doing spinoffs right now but once those sales start coming down, they'll do a remake to refresh the image.

I couldn't agree more.