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Forums - Gaming Discussion - JRPG's the Xbox 360 and why my PS3 needs shot

Kasz216 said:
JGarret said:
True, if SO4 was indeed exclusive, MS would have said so every 5 seconds :P

But Zen, you got rid of your Wii?;;;YOU?...a self proclaimed Nintendo fanboy?

Only smart thing to do in a "fair trade" sitution wii for 360.

Take the 360 and just buy a Wii later when they are in stock.

You save yourself some money that way and you still have a game system to play.

Yep, that's how it went down. I made a post about it. It's a done deal. I'll have another Wii soon though, in triumphant return.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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I am not a RPG fan at all(I have not played a single RPG in my life ,,well maybe except for fable on original xbox,,,which reassured me that I don't like the genere)

I am not happy about this news,,,,Sony is giving too much free space to MS in japan for no god damn reason,,,,,

there are two cases about SO4:

1) if it's 360 exclusive then I feel really sorry for Sony,,,,I m not into the RPG genre but Sony should know that their fans are into that genre.SCEJ WTF?

2) If it's multi platform,then MS threw money in garbage,,,,cause 80% of the sales for this game is in Japan and we know when both versions of PS3/360 are released PS3 version will sell much more.(and push more hardware).but you ahve to give MS credit where it's due,,,cause their audience in NA or EU are not mainly into this genre so basically they are putting down money for their almost non-existent Japanese fanbase.

which case is it?




Kasz216 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Somebody might ask, "Why are you mad cause games aren't multiplat!? Fanboy, heh."

I'll tell you why. I spent 500 bucks for a console on the assumption that I NEEDED to spend 500 dollars to have the JRPG console of this gen(as Sony is known for being).

Recently, I've been lead to justify that purchase by a few games like Star Ocean.

It just PISSES me off when I see freakin' Square Enix giving exclusives to both consoles, cause man, I kinda got ripped off, in my mind.

Sure, it was my assumption's fault, but jeez man, WHY!?

I'm not blaming sony(OK yes I am. Sony, pay for exclusive JRPGS!!!!!!!!!), but I can still be PO'd that I made the mistake of believing the PS3 wouldn't change its freaking fanbase aim, or start sharing it with the 360, if I would have know that I would have held off on buying the PS3 until it was cheap and has some JRPG's on it and just got a 360 from the start.

It's a fair mistake to make, just shows why you need to wait... cause sometimes life don't make sense. Like the console with the least japanese support getting the most japanese RPGs.

At least PS3 is still getting the majority of the SRPG support. (Of a home console... damn DS and your tiny screen.)

No man, it's not. The best game of this gen, imo, is Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, and it's a Wii game, lol.


However, SJRPG future for the PS3 does look promising, as does the JRPG, but I'm less worried about PS3's being bad, than I am about the 360's being better, and...well, bah, I'm through worrying about it....sorry about this thread. I shoulda just spat upon the screen and went to sleep.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


SO4 is coming to the PS3 ,and probably at the same date as the X360.If it wasnt or was coming later MS would have marketed it the in the event.

About the Last Remnant it can be two things that MS has paid big time to have it first ,something understatable that it has done multiple times this generaton.Or it could be that being an UE3 development the 360 developing progress is somewhat ahead and they can secure a winter launch while for the PS3 version we will have to wait until january or february of 2009.

Its a bit infuriating whats happening ,MS is handing down lots of money to get these games and Sony ,who could have a serious staple in that genre ,is doing nothing.THey just believed that because the 360 being dead in Japan and their relationships with most japanese developers they could just let it be and the support would flow to the PS3.But MS is making proof that japanese developers are as greedy as anyone else and if they can have their games subsidized by MS just to have a 360 version or that version launching before they are eager to sign in the line.At least Sony has managed to keep both Final Fantasy games.

Sony doesnt have the kind of money to throw around as MS does ,but they will have to do something.They must launch White Knight Chronicles before the end of the year ,secure some exclusives and get as second party some japanese studios....and if they have to spend some money doing this so be it.

well dunno why people r getting worked up over this, 360 is into its 3rd years and is having these jrpg`s, ps3 is only into its second year.

i can bet by next year there will be more jrpg`s on ps3 than 360

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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Zen, this industry is too unpredictable, and as such, when the next generation hits, maybe you´re better off waiting to see who gets what, and not make assumptions.

Lesson learned. :)

SpartanFX said:
I am not a RPG fan at all(I have not played a single RPG in my life ,,well maybe except for fable on original xbox,,,which reassured me that I don't like the genere)

I am not happy about this news,,,,Sony is giving too much free space to MS in japan for no god damn reason,,,,,

there are two cases about SO4:

1) if it's 360 exclusive then I feel really sorry for Sony,,,,I m not into the RPG genre but Sony should know that their fans are into that genre.SCEJ WTF?

2) If it's multi platform,then MS threw money in garbage,,,,cause 80% of the sales for this game is in Japan and we know when both versions of PS3/360 are released PS3 version will sell much more.(and push more hardware).but you ahve to give MS credit where it's due,,,cause their audience in NA or EU are not mainly into this genre so basically they are putting down money for their almost non-existent Japanese fanbase.

which case is it?

I think it's fair to say that it's gonna be a multiplat. I'll say this. It BETTER be a multiplat.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


JGarret said:
Zen, this industry is too unpredictable, and as such, when the next generation hits, maybe you´re better off waiting to see who gets what, and not make assumptions.

Lesson learned. :)

Everybody is out for your money. That's all it is. You know what. Tomorrow I'm starting my new career of robbing.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.



if it was exclusive M$ would've said that a billion times in their conference

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Kasz216 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Somebody might ask, "Why are you mad cause games aren't multiplat!? Fanboy, heh."

I'll tell you why. I spent 500 bucks for a console on the assumption that I NEEDED to spend 500 dollars to have the JRPG console of this gen(as Sony is known for being).

Recently, I've been lead to justify that purchase by a few games like Star Ocean.

It just PISSES me off when I see freakin' Square Enix giving exclusives to both consoles, cause man, I kinda got ripped off, in my mind.

Sure, it was my assumption's fault, but jeez man, WHY!?

I'm not blaming sony(OK yes I am. Sony, pay for exclusive JRPGS!!!!!!!!!), but I can still be PO'd that I made the mistake of believing the PS3 wouldn't change its freaking fanbase aim, or start sharing it with the 360, if I would have know that I would have held off on buying the PS3 until it was cheap and has some JRPG's on it and just got a 360 from the start.

It's a fair mistake to make, just shows why you need to wait... cause sometimes life don't make sense. Like the console with the least japanese support getting the most japanese RPGs.

At least PS3 is still getting the majority of the SRPG support. (Of a home console... damn DS and your tiny screen.)

No man, it's not. The best game of this gen, imo, is Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, and it's a Wii game, lol.


However, SJRPG future for the PS3 does look promising, as does the JRPG, but I'm less worried about PS3's being bad, than I am about the 360's being better, and...well, bah, I'm through worrying about it....sorry about this thread. I shoulda just spat upon the screen and went to sleep.

Yeah, but that's the Wii's only SRPG... and it's only announced SRPG.

While PS3 has Disgaea 3 (which eh, i gotta get through 2), Valkrie (going to rule) and a SRW game.

I think there are others i am missing as well.

Me i burn through SRPGs like most people burn through FPS.... or something.