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SO4 is coming to the PS3 ,and probably at the same date as the X360.If it wasnt or was coming later MS would have marketed it the in the event.

About the Last Remnant it can be two things that MS has paid big time to have it first ,something understatable that it has done multiple times this generaton.Or it could be that being an UE3 development the 360 developing progress is somewhat ahead and they can secure a winter launch while for the PS3 version we will have to wait until january or february of 2009.

Its a bit infuriating whats happening ,MS is handing down lots of money to get these games and Sony ,who could have a serious staple in that genre ,is doing nothing.THey just believed that because the 360 being dead in Japan and their relationships with most japanese developers they could just let it be and the support would flow to the PS3.But MS is making proof that japanese developers are as greedy as anyone else and if they can have their games subsidized by MS just to have a 360 version or that version launching before they are eager to sign in the line.At least Sony has managed to keep both Final Fantasy games.

Sony doesnt have the kind of money to throw around as MS does ,but they will have to do something.They must launch White Knight Chronicles before the end of the year ,secure some exclusives and get as second party some japanese studios....and if they have to spend some money doing this so be it.