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ssj12 said:

either that or it revolutionized it. I know that it is the backbone of the online FPS muliplayer scene.

Translation:  I was into Unreal so I want it on the list.

Anywho, I liked that list.  Seeing Wolfenstein 3-D, Goldeneye, and Duke Nukem on it made me happy.  ^_^ 

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Words Of Wisdom said:
ssj12 said:

either that or it revolutionized it. I know that it is the backbone of the online FPS muliplayer scene.

Translation:  I was into Unreal so I want it on the list.

Anywho, I liked that list.  Seeing Wolfenstein 3-D, Goldeneye, and Duke Nukem on it made me happy.  ^_^ 

 please know your gaming history a bit. Unreal Tournament is hailed as one of the major factors as to why the genre is what it is today. It has nothing to do with the fact I have played the game for years now. Saying UT had no effect or doesnt belong there is like saying Mario games are not platformers.

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
ssj12 said:
rocketpig said:
ssj12 said:
rocketpig said:
ssj12 said:
disolitude said:
ssj12 said:
that list completely sucks, where is Unreal? why is halo even on that list let alone #2? why the hell isnt Half-Life #1 or #2?

the list is failure

Halo owns Unreal in every way. Unreal was only good because it blew away the quake 2 engine on similar PC configurations. As a game its nothing special.

Thats ok, we all know your bias towards Halo so...

1. I own Halo Combat Evolved on PC.

2. Unreal started the online mutiplayer part of FPSs.

It did? I seem to remember playing games like Jedi Knight and AvP online long before UT ever released. UT popped up around the same time as Tribes, Counter-Strike, and Team Fortress. In fact, all three of those released before UT.

either that or it revolutionized it. I know that it is the backbone of the online FPS muliplayer scene.

It definitely had a huge fanbase and moved online to the forefront of the FPS mind but Counter-Strike was more influential as a whole and usually enjoyed more players online at any given moment.


but CS was originally just a mod, not a full game. It didnt become a full game till 1.6 which was released in the 2000s.

Mod or not, it was massive and had more users and longer legs than any other online PC FPS in history. Really, all the credit should go to Half-Life for creating a mod-friendly platform and launching TF, DoD, CS, etc. and propelling online FPS to massive numbers.

Or check out my new webcomic:

ssj12 said:
rocketpig said:
ssj12 said:
rocketpig said:
ssj12 said:
disolitude said:
ssj12 said:
that list completely sucks, where is Unreal? why is halo even on that list let alone #2? why the hell isnt Half-Life #1 or #2?

the list is failure

Halo owns Unreal in every way. Unreal was only good because it blew away the quake 2 engine on similar PC configurations. As a game its nothing special.

Thats ok, we all know your bias towards Halo so...

1. I own Halo Combat Evolved on PC.

2. Unreal started the online mutiplayer part of FPSs.

It did? I seem to remember playing games like Jedi Knight and AvP online long before UT ever released. UT popped up around the same time as Tribes, Counter-Strike, and Team Fortress. In fact, all three of those released before UT.

either that or it revolutionized it. I know that it is the backbone of the online FPS muliplayer scene.

It definitely had a huge fanbase and moved online to the forefront of the FPS mind but Counter-Strike was more influential as a whole and usually enjoyed more players online at any given moment.


but CS was originally just a mod, not a full game. It didnt become a full game till 1.6 which was released in the 2000s.

 What separates a mod from a game?  When at any one time there use to be as many a 80,000 players playing CS and 10,000 servers, you have to consider it a game by itself.  CS was huge before it was given an official release version.

Also, if you want to go back to the birth of online gaming, you have to go back to services like Kali that would take a game that could normally only do LAN play or direct dialup and made it playable online with servers.  I was playing Descent online far before UT.  Then came the games that supported TCP/IP connections like Tribes.

I give that post a 9.1. 

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

rocketpig said:
ssj12 said:
rocketpig said:
ssj12 said:
rocketpig said:
ssj12 said:
disolitude said:
ssj12 said:
that list completely sucks, where is Unreal? why is halo even on that list let alone #2? why the hell isnt Half-Life #1 or #2?

the list is failure

Halo owns Unreal in every way. Unreal was only good because it blew away the quake 2 engine on similar PC configurations. As a game its nothing special.

Thats ok, we all know your bias towards Halo so...

1. I own Halo Combat Evolved on PC.

2. Unreal started the online mutiplayer part of FPSs.

It did? I seem to remember playing games like Jedi Knight and AvP online long before UT ever released. UT popped up around the same time as Tribes, Counter-Strike, and Team Fortress. In fact, all three of those released before UT.

either that or it revolutionized it. I know that it is the backbone of the online FPS muliplayer scene.

It definitely had a huge fanbase and moved online to the forefront of the FPS mind but Counter-Strike was more influential as a whole and usually enjoyed more players online at any given moment.


but CS was originally just a mod, not a full game. It didnt become a full game till 1.6 which was released in the 2000s.

Mod or not, it was massive and more users and longer legs than any other online PC FPS in history. Really, all the credit should go to Half-Life for creating a mod-friendly platform and launching TF, DoD, CS, etc. and propelling online FPS to massive numbers.

 The same could be given to Epic though for creating a game that has yet to see a slow down of palyers online versus the fact Valve has been trying to kill off CS1.6 and have been very successful at cutting player base by over 80%.

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
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ZOMG no love for Turok, Medal of Honour, Perfect Dark or.....shockingly.....time crisis!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Profcrab said:
ssj12 said:
rocketpig said:
ssj12 said:
rocketpig said:
ssj12 said:
disolitude said:
ssj12 said:
that list completely sucks, where is Unreal? why is halo even on that list let alone #2? why the hell isnt Half-Life #1 or #2?

the list is failure

Halo owns Unreal in every way. Unreal was only good because it blew away the quake 2 engine on similar PC configurations. As a game its nothing special.

Thats ok, we all know your bias towards Halo so...

1. I own Halo Combat Evolved on PC.

2. Unreal started the online mutiplayer part of FPSs.

It did? I seem to remember playing games like Jedi Knight and AvP online long before UT ever released. UT popped up around the same time as Tribes, Counter-Strike, and Team Fortress. In fact, all three of those released before UT.

either that or it revolutionized it. I know that it is the backbone of the online FPS muliplayer scene.

It definitely had a huge fanbase and moved online to the forefront of the FPS mind but Counter-Strike was more influential as a whole and usually enjoyed more players online at any given moment.


but CS was originally just a mod, not a full game. It didnt become a full game till 1.6 which was released in the 2000s.

 What separates a mod from a game?  When at any one time there use to be as many a 80,000 players playing CS and 10,000 servers, you have to consider it a game by itself.  CS was huge before it was given an official release version.

Also, if you want to go back to the birth of online gaming, you have to go back to services like Kali that would take a game that could normally only do LAN play or direct dialup and made it playable online with servers.  I was playing Descent online far before UT.  Then came the games that supported TCP/IP connections like Tribes.

I give that post a 9.1. 

 Descent is a very interesting subject. It is a mix of genres. Really it is not classified as an FPS but a space-sim. There has been a ton of arguments about it's genre but so far it has jsut been called a space-sim and not an FPS.

Still for all arugments over CS being released before UT is false. After looking it up to check my facts it turns out the CS-mod came out sometime between July and August while UT, a game already apart of an established franchise, came out before hand. UT came out and had it's epic battle with Quake III Arena. UT still is labeled higher then Quake III Arena for onine multiplayer but Quake III Arena does still deserve a ton of respect.

Tribe, which came before UT, isnt held that high due to the fact the palyer base was never as high as UT or Quake.

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
ssj12 said:
rocketpig said:
ssj12 said:
rocketpig said:
ssj12 said:
rocketpig said:
ssj12 said:
disolitude said:
ssj12 said:
that list completely sucks, where is Unreal? why is halo even on that list let alone #2? why the hell isnt Half-Life #1 or #2?

the list is failure

Halo owns Unreal in every way. Unreal was only good because it blew away the quake 2 engine on similar PC configurations. As a game its nothing special.

Thats ok, we all know your bias towards Halo so...

1. I own Halo Combat Evolved on PC.

2. Unreal started the online mutiplayer part of FPSs.

It did? I seem to remember playing games like Jedi Knight and AvP online long before UT ever released. UT popped up around the same time as Tribes, Counter-Strike, and Team Fortress. In fact, all three of those released before UT.

either that or it revolutionized it. I know that it is the backbone of the online FPS muliplayer scene.

It definitely had a huge fanbase and moved online to the forefront of the FPS mind but Counter-Strike was more influential as a whole and usually enjoyed more players online at any given moment.


but CS was originally just a mod, not a full game. It didnt become a full game till 1.6 which was released in the 2000s.

Mod or not, it was massive and more users and longer legs than any other online PC FPS in history. Really, all the credit should go to Half-Life for creating a mod-friendly platform and launching TF, DoD, CS, etc. and propelling online FPS to massive numbers.

The same could be given to Epic though for creating a game that has yet to see a slow down of palyers online versus the fact Valve has been trying to kill off CS1.6 and have been very successful at cutting player base by over 80%.

You want to see something funny? Go to Gametrackers. Pull a list of all of the UT games, all of them and add up the number of servers you find. If you don't want to, I'll save you the time. It comes out to about 1500 when you combine UT, UT2k4, and UT3. Now do the same search for CS 1.6 servers. There are almost 7100 still active CS servers. I think I let that comparison stand on its own. (well, maybe I'll mention the 6800 CS Source servers too. You know, just to be fair.)

I give that post a 9.0.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

While I don't agree with GoldenEye getting the #1 spot overall it does deserve recognition for being the first console FPS to really stand on its own as opposed to being a cheap, watered-down copy of most PC shooters at the time like Doom and Quake... the Saturn and PS1 had plenty of those but Goldeneye revolutionized the genre on consoles (Turok also deserves a nod as well for that although its not as polished as GoldenEye).

Having said all that I don't think GoldenEye has aged very well... I'll still play Perfect Dark once in a blue moon for it's superior multiplayer mode but for me nostalgia alone can't do justice for Goldeneye anymore. For me, my number one pick would be the first Half Life simply because of the impact it had and all the awesome mods, spinoffs and sequels (with Episode 1 being an exception) we've gotten as a result of it.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

I'm sure most console gamers wouldn't agree with the list, but growing up gaming on the PC, i agree with most of the list...

But unfortunatly, the list is completly invalid since it does not even include Unreal... They obviously dont know what their talking about if they dont even include Unreal, come on now?