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While I don't agree with GoldenEye getting the #1 spot overall it does deserve recognition for being the first console FPS to really stand on its own as opposed to being a cheap, watered-down copy of most PC shooters at the time like Doom and Quake... the Saturn and PS1 had plenty of those but Goldeneye revolutionized the genre on consoles (Turok also deserves a nod as well for that although its not as polished as GoldenEye).

Having said all that I don't think GoldenEye has aged very well... I'll still play Perfect Dark once in a blue moon for it's superior multiplayer mode but for me nostalgia alone can't do justice for Goldeneye anymore. For me, my number one pick would be the first Half Life simply because of the impact it had and all the awesome mods, spinoffs and sequels (with Episode 1 being an exception) we've gotten as a result of it.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.