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Forums - Gaming Discussion - ScrewAttack - Top 10 FPS Games Ever

JaggedSac said:
Duke Nuken 3D should not be on anyone's top 10 list. Quake was an immensly better game from both a technical and gameplay standpoint.

Um... huh? Duke not on anyones top 10 list? Duke3D had thousands of players online daily on Heat, Gaming Zone, iC, Kali, mPlayer, T.E.N., and im sure others that I never played on... I'm sure Duke3D (thousands of members on 3D Realms Forums Would agree) sure is on peoples Top 10 List. Like I said earlier in this thread, Duke3D & Quake is what really started online gaming.

As far as Quake being a better game on a technical standpoint, yes of course, heaps better. It was True 3D, Duke Nukem wasn't.

and fyi, I played both Duke3D and Quake 1&2 about everyday in 1996~, I loved them both equally...Dont think im no quake hater here :P

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Shameless said:
In this thread: People confuse 'best' with 'most influential'.

 typically a game that influenced an entire genre or enhanced a standard in a genre typically are the "best"

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i expected GE to be number 1

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

allthehoneys said:
A list that caters to young, shallow gamers. Hell, the selection and commentary exude my point.

The only games on their list that I agree should have been there were Duke Nukem 3D, Counter Strike and Goldeneye. Not including Half-Life (in place of Half-Life 2 and Bioshock), Team Fortress (in place of Quake), Starsiege: Tribes, Deus Ex, or Doom (in place of Wolfenstein). That they would put Doom 3 or even a Halo in the same ranks of the "greatest" FPS to me is, well, laughable. That's my opinion. I would always put the genre defining titles before the ones that incrementally improve the formula.

 I think it's wrong to argue against Wolfenstein.  The only problem might be they had the wrong wolfenstein.

 Also people who played with oddjob were bitches.

ssj12 said:
Shameless said:
In this thread: People confuse 'best' with 'most influential'.

 typically a game that influenced an entire genre or enhanced a standard in a genre typically are the "best"

I'd have to agree. If a game added something to the genre as a whole that was so important that it then became universally accepted, it should make a list for both "most influential" and "best games".

Without Halo, there's no precedent for console FPS controls.They pretty much nailed it on the first try, and did the best they could with the format. It's not mouse and keyboard, but it's about the best you can expect from two thumbsticks.

Without the grandfathers of the genre (Wolfenstein, Doom, etc) there's no FPS games, period.

Without Quake, you'd still be hauling PCs to someone's house to enjoy multiplayer.

These games have to be good if the entire genre of games embrace their additions as necessary for any game that follows them. They may not all age gracefully, due to the evolution of the FPS scene as a whole, but at one point or another pretty much all of these games were considered the pinnacle of FPS gaming.You can't take a game like Resistance and call it a better game than Goldeneye just because it looks better, since Resistance adds basically nothing new to the modern cookie cutter FPS formula. Ditto for most of the FPS games out there right now, with a few exceptions, like CoD4. (Due to its rather revolutionary online system, combined with crazy high production values for the campaign.)

At one time, almost EVERYONE played Goldeneye fanatically. Will that ever be said for a game like Resistance or any of the other carbon copy FPS games coming out today? I'd grant Halo was revolutionary, but the sequels didn't do much more than refine their online experience. The "best" games will be the most memorable ones over the course of time. It's a decade later and people still speak fondly of Goldeneye multiplayer. Even 3 years from now will anyone give a shit about Resistance over whatever pretty FPS du jour they're playing? I'm betting not.

The dedication you show to any particular console or company is inversely proportional to the number of times you have gotten laid. If you get laid enough, even if you prefer a certain brand, you just don't give enough of a shit to argue about it on the internet.

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Kasz216 said:
allthehoneys said:
A list that caters to young, shallow gamers. Hell, the selection and commentary exude my point.

The only games on their list that I agree should have been there were Duke Nukem 3D, Counter Strike and Goldeneye. Not including Half-Life (in place of Half-Life 2 and Bioshock), Team Fortress (in place of Quake), Starsiege: Tribes, Deus Ex, or Doom (in place of Wolfenstein). That they would put Doom 3 or even a Halo in the same ranks of the "greatest" FPS to me is, well, laughable. That's my opinion. I would always put the genre defining titles before the ones that incrementally improve the formula.

I think it's wrong to argue against Wolfenstein. The only problem might be they had the wrong wolfenstein.

Also people who played with oddjob were bitches.

Oddjob was strictly banned amongst my friends, except for one douche who always tried to pick him (and failed). Same goes for one of the scientist women that was just a little taller than Oddjob.

Ah, Goldeneye. I played that game a lot. Did anyone else here beat it on 007 Agent? 

Or check out my new webcomic:

rocketpig said:
Kasz216 said:
allthehoneys said:
A list that caters to young, shallow gamers. Hell, the selection and commentary exude my point.

The only games on their list that I agree should have been there were Duke Nukem 3D, Counter Strike and Goldeneye. Not including Half-Life (in place of Half-Life 2 and Bioshock), Team Fortress (in place of Quake), Starsiege: Tribes, Deus Ex, or Doom (in place of Wolfenstein). That they would put Doom 3 or even a Halo in the same ranks of the "greatest" FPS to me is, well, laughable. That's my opinion. I would always put the genre defining titles before the ones that incrementally improve the formula.

I think it's wrong to argue against Wolfenstein. The only problem might be they had the wrong wolfenstein.

Also people who played with oddjob were bitches.

Oddjob was strictly banned amongst my friends, except for one douche who always tried to pick him (and failed). Same goes for one of the scientist women that was just a little taller than Oddjob.

Ah, Goldeneye. I played that game a lot. Did anyone else here beat it on 007 Agent?

I beat that game on every difficulty, got everything unlocked... and then had the data accidentally erased.

That's when I said screw it and borrowed a gameshark from a friend to unlock everything.

I shall forever hate that freaking Facility... 

Hahahah, I loved the Facility. The Stack was awesome, too.

Or check out my new webcomic:

ssj12 said:
Shameless said:
In this thread: People confuse 'best' with 'most influential'.

typically a game that influenced an entire genre or enhanced a standard in a genre typically are the "best"

That's true, but if I had to choose which games I wanted to play today, I'd stick with CoD4. You can't underestimate how much an amazing single player experience adds to a game. IMO, FPS without single-player shouldn't even be considered for "best of" lists.

Because online FPS isn't all the same, but it certainly is a variation on a very familiar formula.

At the same time, I believe online modes shouldn't be required for best FPS. Especially if we're rating how good the game is, and not the engine.


Seperate lists could certainly be made for best online game or shooter. However, best "game" to me, means that is has a cohesive single player experience first and foremost. That's why games like Bioshock, System Shock, Deus Ex, CoD4, Halo, and Golden Eye deserve to be on that list, imho.

Not that what you say is wrong. I just feel that there are already 100 games with better online modes than the original UT. There are few or no games with better SP than those games I've mentioned. Goldeneye is a special case, as it basically introduced many gamers to Multiplayer FPS via splitscreen and even today few games match the feel of that game in split. However, I'm a bit biased, I admit, as I never played UT when it was first released, so I don't have those fond memories that you do.


So yeah, I think this list is less influential, and more "best."


Afterall, if you were making a "best games of all time" would you list Pong, Defender, or Donkey Kong?


On goldeneye remember the secret level with the metal jawed guy from Moonraker? You had to stop the rocket, and it was only for Very Hard mode or something? Man, that was an amazing game all around. Paintball guns ftw.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:

On goldeneye remember the secret level with the metal jawed guy from Moonraker? You had to stop the rocket, and it was only for Very Hard mode or something? Man, that was an amazing game all around. Paintball guns ftw.

That was the level where you faced Jaws and you got the Moonraker lazer guns.  Very fun despite the endless guards that came to try to kill you once you triggered the alarm.