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ssj12 said:
Shameless said:
In this thread: People confuse 'best' with 'most influential'.

 typically a game that influenced an entire genre or enhanced a standard in a genre typically are the "best"

I'd have to agree. If a game added something to the genre as a whole that was so important that it then became universally accepted, it should make a list for both "most influential" and "best games".

Without Halo, there's no precedent for console FPS controls.They pretty much nailed it on the first try, and did the best they could with the format. It's not mouse and keyboard, but it's about the best you can expect from two thumbsticks.

Without the grandfathers of the genre (Wolfenstein, Doom, etc) there's no FPS games, period.

Without Quake, you'd still be hauling PCs to someone's house to enjoy multiplayer.

These games have to be good if the entire genre of games embrace their additions as necessary for any game that follows them. They may not all age gracefully, due to the evolution of the FPS scene as a whole, but at one point or another pretty much all of these games were considered the pinnacle of FPS gaming.You can't take a game like Resistance and call it a better game than Goldeneye just because it looks better, since Resistance adds basically nothing new to the modern cookie cutter FPS formula. Ditto for most of the FPS games out there right now, with a few exceptions, like CoD4. (Due to its rather revolutionary online system, combined with crazy high production values for the campaign.)

At one time, almost EVERYONE played Goldeneye fanatically. Will that ever be said for a game like Resistance or any of the other carbon copy FPS games coming out today? I'd grant Halo was revolutionary, but the sequels didn't do much more than refine their online experience. The "best" games will be the most memorable ones over the course of time. It's a decade later and people still speak fondly of Goldeneye multiplayer. Even 3 years from now will anyone give a shit about Resistance over whatever pretty FPS du jour they're playing? I'm betting not.

The dedication you show to any particular console or company is inversely proportional to the number of times you have gotten laid. If you get laid enough, even if you prefer a certain brand, you just don't give enough of a shit to argue about it on the internet.