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Forums - Sales Discussion - EU Sales UP!! -- Flat week


I still say

as the 360 is cheaper than the wii.......those are awful sales

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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darthdevidem01 said:

I still say

as the 360 is cheaper than the wii.......those are awful sales

The 360 is practically the same price as the PS3 and its sales are awful in the US.


darthdevidem01 said:

I still say

as the 360 is cheaper than the wii.......those are awful sales

All over the internet its "arcade sucks, arcade blows" but the moment you need it for a price comparison its a perfectly viable SKU.



starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS


I know PS3 is doing bad in US.....but the 80GB bundle will change that

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

I still say

as the 360 is cheaper than the wii.......those are awful sales

 If both concoles were unknows, I suspect 360 would be running away in sales, yes. You underestimate how powerful the Playstation brand name is. It had allowed Sony to catch up in Hardware sales, and now that an equal number of good games are going to be relased on both consoles from here on out, PS3 should beat 360 by 5-10M I would think. But I also think that 360 will have just as many good games as PS3 will, and that PS3 won't overtake 360 until the end of 2009... at this rate.

Around the Network
Ail said:
Anything were all 3 consoles sell over 50k/week isn't flat.

Hardware sales in others is incredible this gen.

Although I would be very cautious about expecting a huge PS3 spike in Others for MGS4.

Others has had PS3 bundles for the past 2 months ( GT5P then GTA4 then MGS4), the MGS4 bundle isn't really any better than the 2 previous ones in Others so sales shoudn't spike, just stay above their average level as they have been for now 2 months...

NA and Japan are the one that will see PS3 hardware spike with MGS4....

Good point! Why hasn't anyone brought up this before?

You also see Ratchet-bundles left and PS4 bundled with UEFA football in many places.

Now I have to adjust my prediciton again in the MGS4 HW prediction thread!

DS is amazing. Wii, PS3, and 360 stay constant, which is ultimately worst for the 360. But still not good for the PS3, cause PS3 needs to make up ground on Wii by taking 360 sales. Will be interesting how this market will unfold by the end of the year. It's not able enough to sustain these kinds of sales for all 3, meaning one will falter. I have my bets on 360 in that case but who knows.

starcraft said:
DMeisterJ said:
starcraft said:
I may be fundamentally incorrect, but doesn't NG2 come out next week in Europe?

Here in Australia we are part of PAL, and its not out until Thursday...........

Both HD consoles are doing pretty well all things considered. Would have perhaps expected a boost for PS3 in the lead-up to MGS4.

I wouldn't.

IIRC, the bundle with the game is the same price as the forty gig itself?

You can draw conclusions.

Really?  Exactly the same price?

Mother of God...... Sony d-d-did something right? 



RolStoppable said:
Netherlands 3 - Italy 0

That's all that really matters in Europe this week.

wow i didnt expect that to happen

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Very strong sales for all, I look forward to software numbers.