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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why are the controls in Legend of Zelda:TP criticised?

One thing I don't understand is why so many people criticise the controls of LoZ:TP. OK, most give credit to the bow controls, and yet the sword controls take so much flak. Why is that?

What is wrong with swinging the Wii Remote left and right to attack with the sword? Whenever I play that game, I'd swing my arm in wide angles to try and act like a swordsman. What's wrong with that? If anything, the sword controls are intuitive because of that. (Or are hardcore gamers lazy to move or are just plain unimaginative?)

Having said, I'd look forward to the Wii version of The Force Unleashed.

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Afaik not too many people believe the controls were bad, but the also don't believe they added much to the game. Just replaced mashing a with swinging your wrist. I do agree though I prefer the flicking your wrist because it feels more immersible.

I don`t know, I like the controls.

The controls in TP are widely criticized? That's news to me. You can find a few people who hate any given thing on the internet, especially when you take console rivalry into the picture, but it's hardly common.

My opinion is that the wiimote controls don't improve every single part of the game, but everything works at least as well as with a traditional controller, and many things work substantially better. Wiimote > any other default controller on the market.

The only thing I had trouble doing was the spin-attack, and I always failed it with the GC-pad as well. ^^

I liked the controls, even though when compared to other Wii-games you can tell they could've done a lot more. Which is why I'm looking forward to the next Zelda, made for the Wii.

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I hate the arrow shooting mechanics while riding the horse. sucks so hard that I got frustrated in that stupid burining wagon task I completely gave up on Zelda: TP.

Never have returned, probably will never.

Any message from Faxanadu is written in good faith but shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting a commitment by Faxanadu except where provided for in a written agreement signed by an authorized representative of Faxanadu. This message is intended for the use of the forum members only.

The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

I hate the arrow shooting mechanics while riding the horse. sucks so hard that I got frustrated in that stupid burining wagon task I completely gave up on Zelda: TP.

Haha, that part was annoying indeed, but became rather easy once you knew how to do it.

Give it another try, faxanadu, it's a great game. Don't let this one hick-up bother you ^^

papflesje said:
I hate the arrow shooting mechanics while riding the horse. sucks so hard that I got frustrated in that stupid burining wagon task I completely gave up on Zelda: TP.

Haha, that part was annoying indeed, but became rather easy once you knew how to do it.

Give it another try, faxanadu, it's a great game. Don't let this one hick-up bother you ^^

Honestly, I dont know. I was already irritated at that "Fly the Dragon" minigame. Controls there were not to my liking either. i mean I passed it in the first or second try, but then had to redo it one more time. Annoying.

Then the  "Ride the horse" minigame came along, I tried it like 10 times and then got so annoyed, I just stopped.

Also, I lost interest at one point in the fire dungeon and had stopped playing once already before picking it up again.

Any message from Faxanadu is written in good faith but shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting a commitment by Faxanadu except where provided for in a written agreement signed by an authorized representative of Faxanadu. This message is intended for the use of the forum members only.

The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

@Parokki: I'm confused, spin attack on the Cube was pulled off by holding down the B button.

Faxanadu said:
I hate the arrow shooting mechanics while riding the horse. sucks so hard that I got frustrated in that stupid burining wagon task I completely gave up on Zelda: TP.

Never have returned, probably will never.

That was easy, finished it on my first try


The only problem I Had with Zeld TP was that it was wwwaaaayy to easy, think I died only once.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints