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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Subspace Emissary in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Question

Smash Bros. is it's own series and has the right to make characters when it wants to; if it didn't we wouldn't have Master Hand.

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles fan for life. <3

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Super Smash Bros. Brawl is supposed to be a game, made up entirely of previous Nintendo games. Every single square inch should be nostalgic. There should be nothing new. Even items. There's far too many previous Nintendo enemies, and items, not featured in the game, that in absolutely no way, should be replaced by new enemies, and new items. Nothing should be new. For example, in Subspace Emissary, the only enemies that are reminiscent of the past, are Goombas, Koopas, Bullet Bills, Hammer Bros., and maybe a few others. There's no Kirby enemies. No Zelda enemies. No Metroid enemies. No Star Fox enemies. No Earthbound enemies. No Sonic (he's in the game) enemies. No Snake (also in the game) enemies. No Marth enemies. No Donkey Kong enemies. And so on. Instead, there's the ugliest barrage of new crap, like fat, ugly chickens, electric clouds, and more bullshit. And yes, if there are new items too, they should not be there, but I don't remember seeing any new items. I still don't understand why that Star Wars light saver is in the game, though. In Super Smash Bros., all the enemies existed from before. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, in Adventure Mode, all the enemies existed from before. So there's no excuse. No fucking excuse, why so many enemies from previous Nintendo games are missing, and that they are replaced by the worst, uninspired, group of enemies, you have to fight repetitively, throughout the entire game. Especially those weird, green, eggplant enemies, with that purple stuff coming out of their backs. I swear, I had to fight them over a thousand times, and the last fight was no harder than the first. Subspace Emissary is decent, but nowhere near a masterpiece. That is why it is complete bullshit. Now you know. Argue if you may, but I know it would have been better if all the enemies were reminiscent. I can already visualize it, so I know it would have been better. It's kind of like the same thing they did to Banjo, adding new vehicles, and Sonic, adding those disgusting humans, and Crash, making him look so ugly. It's one of "those" things.

Your level of fail is off the charts.

The original SSB alone had the Fighting Polygon Team and the Master Hand as never-before-seen characters so 100% new stuff is very much not the goal of SSB.

Try again, without the fail. 

Who said Smash Bros has to be all about previous games, there can be new enemies, new items, ect.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Words Of Wisdom said:

Your level of fail is off the charts.

The original SSB alone had the Fighting Polygon Team and the Master Hand as never-before-seen characters so 100% new stuff is very much not the goal of SSB.

Try again, without the fail. 

 It's not a cast-iron rule that no new content is put in, I agree,but don't you think the Subspace Emissary would have been better with more locations, items and enemies from the represented franchises? If they couldn't do that, I don't see why they did it at all. I'm not looking for another generic platformer.

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Know what would be awesome that I just thought of? If, when the memory solution is revealed, they came up with a Brawl expansion pack (just one, though, not EA-style) that had a more nostalgic SSE-style single-player mode. Then everyone would be happy.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Rayqwaza or however you spell it from Pokemon was a boss, so its a mix of old and new.

Words Of Wisdom said:

Your level of fail is off the charts.

The original SSB alone had the Fighting Polygon Team and the Master Hand as never-before-seen characters so 100% new stuff is very much not the goal of SSB.

Try again, without the fail. 

Incorrect. I forgot about the Fighting Polygon Team, and Master Hand. Those mistakes are not "off the chart failure." They are microscopic mistakes that make absolutely no difference to my post. If I posted somewhere, "besides fighting Polygon Team, and Master Hand," would that really have made that much of a difference to my point? No.

It is not a rule, that Brawl must have "no" new enemies, but if it wanted to be one step further towards perfection, than all that bullshit needs to go. Besides, I'm okay with some new content, like 1%, but when 90% of Subspace enemy is "new," then why bother?

I found Subspace Emissary to be an epic disappointment. Is it fun? Is the music good? Yes, because all, or most of the songs, are reminiscent of the past. Then what's the problem? Where are all the Kirby/Metroid/Star Fox/Zelda/Etc. enemies? I wouldn't mind all the "new enemies" so much, if at least all or most of the old enemies were in the game, but no. Almost "NONE" of the former Nintendo enemies are there, and almost "ALL" of them are hideous monstrosities. It's like an insulting joke. It's like, every masterpiece has to have one retarded fuck up, and this one belongs to Brawl, the greatest fighting game of all time.

Does it stop there? NO. Even the levels are "NOT" reminiscent of previous Nintendo games. There are NO Kirby levels, NO Metroid levels, NO Mario levels, and so on. There are a few levels that resemble Donkey Kong levels, and Pit levels, but those are in the beginning, and later on, it becomes clear, that they were only coincidental, and that truly, all, or most of the levels, may actually be "NEW" like most of the enemies.

NEW is okay to a LIMIT, but when most of Subspace Emissary, a major portion of the game is NEW, and not only that, but extremely repetitive, and generically uninspired, to me, it's an incredible loss of potential. Could you imagine, running through Green Hill Zone as Mario? Could you imagine, jumping on space craft from Star Fox as Snake? Or running through dungeons of Zelda, and Metroid levels as Donkey Kong? Or how about Kirby's Dreamland as Yoshi? No. None of that. I mean, I can already visualize it, and really, it's not rocket science.

They awkwardly altered a simple concept, and went out of their way to make it extremely bland and generic. That is why it is a great disappointment. You may be one of those persons that accept everything as they are, and not stop to think what it could have been instead, but I am not one of those persons. I know Nintendo, because I grew up with Nintendo, so I can perfectly understand how it could have been, instead of what it is now. Bottom line, Subspace Emissary is NOT Nintendo. It's a generic, uninspired platform game, that's totally forgettable. It's nothing like Adventure mode from Melee.

I'm okay with Master Hand and Polygon Team, because they're cool, and that's almost as much new content that's acceptable in a Smash Bros. Game, but Brawl went way, way, way too far, and not only that, the new content is incredibly unlikable. Don't argue, and take my word for it. I like everything else about Brawl, but Subspace Emissary is just a mess. One day I will redo my Brawl review, and clarify my points.

I love idiots who present their opinion as fact.

no they arent in the previous ninty games

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"