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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What is your Wii Fit routine?

I've purchased Wii Fit 12 days ago and I've started myself a little routine that I do everyday :

- I wake up 45 minutes earlier in the morning (compared to 2h30 earlier when I was going to the gym in the morning)

- I do my body test.

- I start with the Advance Step to warm up

- I do Yoga poses and Strength training exercices. At first, I did all the exercices available to me but now there's too much so I focus on exercices for my abs, chest and arms. I do about 35 minutes before I hit the shower.

So what about you guys/girls? Do you have a Wii Fit routine?

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I start with boxing and hoola hooping to warm up. For strength training I do the three push up, parrallel stretch and jackknife challenges; the push up and side stands; and the lunges. I try to put in at least half and hour. I have to repeat excercises to make it past that mark.

That's my typical routine, although sometimes I vary it up with some other excercises. I don't do yoga.

Not yet because I still don't have Wii Fit.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

I try to do at least 30min, with typically 35-40min, combo of Yoga, Muscle Training, and Aerobic exercises. I start out with a couple light muscle and yoga poses. I like to do all the muscle training exercises, and most of the yoga poses, and I try to vary it day by day. I then go on to 10rep push-up/side plank, followed by 30 rep jack-knife. Depending on how much time I have left, and how I feel, I sometimes do the plank, and one arm stand.

I then end with either just a free-step for 10min, or a Super Hula-Hoop.

Then I do a Body Test. Although I should probably do a body test before I exercise, it makes me feel better when my weight is lower because I just sweated a pound off, also, my balance is typically off first thing in the morning, so the extra 30-40minutes of being awake really help.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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Start off with the lighter Yoga and Muscle Training for a warm up, Half Moon to loosen up and then some Twists, arm extentions and Tree pose.

Sideways lift, Downward Facing dog and Triangle.

Then I get down to more tougher stuff with Push ups & side stands, King of the Dance and then a parrallel stretch (60 seconds).

After this I do a game or two and followed by super hula Hoop. Cool down a bit and then do the body test.

Then Cry.

Playing : PC  AOE, DiRT 2, Runes of Magic, Wings of Prey & Planetside 2  

Wii U : Nintendoland, Super Mario U  & Fifa 2013 demo

DS : Guitar Hero : On Tour

Formerly unknown as Vengi

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Venji said:

Start off with the lighter Yoga and Muscle Training for a warm up, Half Moon to loosen up and then some Twists, arm extentions and Tree pose.

Sideways lift, Downward Facing dog and Triangle.

Then I get down to more tougher stuff with Push ups & side stands, King of the Dance and then a parrallel stretch (60 seconds).

After this I do a game or two and followed by super hula Hoop. Cool down a bit and then do the body test.

Then Cry.

 Lolz XD.

Does everybody workout in the morning?

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^ Yes I do but not with Wii fit...

I'm on my Wii Fit about 5 days a week. I always do at least a balance test, and then I'll do maybe 2-3 yogas and 4-5 strength trainings, a couple games, and then 6 minute super hula hoop at the end.

1. Box up WiiFit.
2. Take to parent's house.
3. Give it to them to use.
4. Go to gym.