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Forums - Sony Discussion - No MGS4 bundle on day 1?

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Wait... your job is to carry a gun? I wish I got paid just to carry stuff around, as long as it's not heavy.

Good luck not shooting a kid.

Wait, maybe you can practice for the game and just sneak up behind somebody and break their neck.

 lool,,exactly as they say,,practice makes perfect ;)




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d21lewis said:

If I don't have that game in my house by noon on launch day, I will explode. What are my options?

Change the clock/calendar.

I just checked amazon to see what was going on with the page and noticed the sellers asking for $900 and I hope nobody buys it. That page will be flooded come the 11th and 12th.

i preordered mine at toys r us, and from what they're telling me i will have my 80gb ps3 w/mgs4 bundle on launch day

^^I'll try the Toys 'R Us option. If They let me reserve, then the day has been saved!

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Check Ebay, people are offering the very limited Gunmetal Bundle for anywhere between $600-1000

No foreign sky protected me,
No stranger's wing shielded my face.
I stand as witness to the common lot,
survivor of that time, that place.

- From 'Requiem' by Anna Akhmatova

tell us how it went...did they let you reserve it

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I would suggest going to a store and if you can't get the bundle, but the game and a seperate PS3 at that time. That way you don't have to worry about buy a PS3 now and being able to get va bundle at launch. And it insures that you will be able to play day 1.

Toys 'R Us has no idea what I'm talking about. The day is not saved.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. I have a plan. But first, I need some cigarettes, a cardboard box,  some stealth camoflage, and a tranquilizer gun..........

On launch day, I'm going to put the stealh camoflage into the cardboard box. Then, I'm setting the box on fire with the cigarettes. When everyone's distracted by the fire, I'll buy the console/game on day one at Best Buy. Then, when the action in MGS4 gets too intense and awesome, I'll shoot myself with the tranquilizer gun to calm myself down.  It's GENIUS!!

d21lewis said:
On launch day, I'm going to put the stealh camoflage into the cardboard box. Then, I'm setting the box on fire with the cigarettes. When everyone's distracted by the fire, I'll buy the console/game on day one at Best Buy. Then, when the action in MGS4 gets too intense and awesome, I'll shoot myself with the tranquilizer gun to calm myself down.  It's GENIUS!!

 Zapp Brannigan would be proud of you sir. ;D