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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS4 Will NOT have any TV Marketing in NA ---- SONY's Arrogance!!

Well I just saw the commercial at the end of the awards. It was ok. Nothing spectacular. Oh and Darth it had some clips from that video that is in your sig :P

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League

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bbsin said:

C'mon Darth, N'Gai says there "MAY not be", and "IF it's true" in his comments. Don't try to put words in his mouth and confirm anything, you're actually making some poor gullible posters on this site believe in this. Regardless, N'Gai has made many predictions in the past, if you believe everything he says, you might aswell confirm GeOW3 and MassEffect 2 on the PS3.

BTW: MGS4 has ALREADY been advertised in a PS3 commercial.

This thread should have it's title changed, OP edited or locked.



listen to what he says in the video clip,,,,that's by no means confirmation.


again bestbuy and gamestop will not open midnight without advertising 




I am sorry but this game has to hae advertisements or the shops would not be doing mid-night launches

darth is the most pessimistic sony fan on these forums.

I think it's up to us fans now.

Everybody, get out the cardboard MGS4 signs and hit the streets.

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Soriku said:
Are they stupid? MGS4 is one of the biggest upcoming PS3 games and they don't market it? I mean, PS3 owners already know what MGS is, but still...

Bad move.

Because maybe Sony already knows that PS3 owners bought the system for anticipation for their games, Soriku? >_> What non-gamer is going to get into MGS4 by purchasing a PS3? I don't think any newbie to video games is going to fork over $400+ for a system in order to get a game, or wait until more 'games' are released.

zero129 said:

ZFOMGFG!!!, Sony is done in the console market! bahbahbaheasdaebagddcargh! 

^ prime example of what happens when people turn idoitic rumors into fact via forum thread.

zero129 said:
Forget about it sony fans..
i really have tried to hold hope for sony
but they have gone down the nintendo root after 2 gens of consoles..
they are forgetting its 3rd partys that made them big, and now MS and nintendo are taking over what they had, if they dont pull back soon imo it could be all over for sony in the console market..

you ve been here saying nonsense and no one is acknowledging you,,,so please don't start a flame wars here,,,you stated your point of view once no need to say it over and over again,,,


I don't think bundling a brand new/hot game with every 80GB PS3 is consiodered ignoring Konami,,Also making PS3 harware especially for MGS4(gun metal PS3) is not ignoring konami by any means,,,,




darthdevidem01 said:

Once again SONY does a foolish & stupid thing that makes me go WTF

I mean they do frikkin drink commercials with MGS4 in it for Japan where the game SELLS the LEAST..& in NA they aren't even doing a TV Commercial.......

Nice reward for letting Konami keep it exclusive to PS3 SONY..not even bothering to market the game, I mean this is THE BIG game for PS3 this year since FF13 & GT 5 are delayed! coming out in 2009.

What are your thoughts...will it hinder the sales??

PS: No news on EU marketing yet..

fixed. They weren't delayed, they never had a date set. 2008 was only speculation.

zero129 said:
bbsin said:

zero129 said:

ZFOMGFG!!!, Sony is done in the console market! bahbahbaheasdaebagddcargh!

^ prime example of what happens when people turn idoitic rumors into fact via forum thread.

Do you care to explain??.

You are using a baseless rumor that no one has confirmed (except Darth) as a way to rant and explain why you think Sony is done in the console market. In other words, you believed the BS that the OP claimed without using logic and without looking at the big picture, and now you won't stop your panic whining because of it. Take a breath, take a look that the source of the OP and reason with yourself before you jump into conclusions.