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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Some 360 and Wii stats based off MetaCritic.

Strategyking92 said:

SMS is highly overrated, as much as- say halo 3.


EDIT: this statement is about to attract alot of heat...


 YOu mean super mario sunshine right? If so I agree it was the worse mario imo. 

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Strategyking92 said:

SMS is highly overrated, as much as- say halo 3.


EDIT: this statement is about to attract alot of heat...


You mean sunshine or galaxy? I agree with sunshine, but Galaxy, have you played it, it is freaking unbelievably good, imo, and I'm a relatively harsh critic.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I love threads like this. VGChartz delivers once again!

sc94597 said:
Strategyking92 said:

SMS is highly overrated, as much as- say halo 3.


EDIT: this statement is about to attract alot of heat...


 YOu mean super mario sunshine right? If so I agree it was the worse mario imo. 

actually SMG is the best mario

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

I never actually understood the reason why massmarket products most often do not really appeal to hardcore fans. Not until I understood the concept of Upmarket and Downmarket. But now it all makes sense. These last couple of days I've actually acquired some wisdom through these discussions. THANKS VGCHARTZ!

This is invisible text!

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The Ghost of RubangB said:
JaggedSac said:
"Wii: 3982-3539-5418-1048 Brawl: 2664-1863-6511 Kart: 1633-5238-8894 Dr. Mario: 1661-1773-3090" - WTF?? LOL!!
WTF LOL to you too, dick.

JaggedSac said:
"If you only count EXCLUSIVES 95 and up, Wii has 1 and 360 has none." - WTF?? LOL!!

It's true. Didn't you start this thread and look at all the numbers? Every game at 95 or higher on the 360 is a multiplatform game. I can play your best games without a 360, but you can't get my delicious exclusive Galaxy.

JaggedSac said:
"360 has nothing like Galaxy, Wii Sports, and Wii Fit." - Galaxy is good, Sports is fecal matter on a stick, and WiiFit is similar to a treadmill.
You don't like the 2 most important games of this generation. That's fine by me. It doesn't change the fact that they're unique gaming experiences and can only be played on the Wii. You're the one prancing around bragging about MetaCritic numbers, but disregarding unique gaming experiences you can't play. I can play your games. You can't play mine.

JaggedSac said:
"You've got the most revolutionary platformer GAMEPLAY-WISE of all time, the most revolutionary motion-controlled sports collection of all time, the most revolutionary balance-measuring game controller and exercise program of all time." - Arcades have had these controls for a while now. Perhaps you should categorize that it is revolutionary to console games.
I'm calling bullshit. Give me examples of arcade games that play like Galaxy, Wii Sports, or Wii Fit.

JaggedSac said:
"the most revolutionary balance-measuring game controller and exercise program of all time" - WTF?? LOL!! LOL!! LOL!!

I have a balance board. There is no controller in the world like it. What part of "revolutionary" don't you understand? About 7 games have been announced for it in under a week. It's outselling the PS3 and getting a lot of support.

What gives, Dick Sandwich here doesn't like new ideas? WTF LOL LOL LOL!!!


 have you ever been in arcade bar in Japan ???? they have way crazier than that lol :) but it's just one game with a specific controler.... what the Wii is great for is using the same controler and use it for a  whole bunch of different games.... 

hell I even think motion controle is barely exploited with the Wii.... we can go further than that way further :)

man I can't wait to see what video gaming will be 50 years from now :)  

Yeah I've been to some arcades in Japan, and they totally kicked ass. Having a Wii is like having a Japanese arcade, an American arcade, and a regular gaming console all in my living room. And now it's a workout device too. IT CAN DO ANYTHING.

Sky Render said:
Incidentally, "quality" is not a valid answer to that question, though you probably think it is. "Quality" is entirely relative to the values of the person observing the product, and thus has no measurable value. If you wish to gauge a product solely upon such criteria, then you are judging by a faulty and unscientific method, which will only serve to justify your own views of the term "quality".

Some products have measurable levels of quality.  Porno, for example, has a relatively easy to notice level of quality for any particular person. 

But, good idea, lets do away with all reviews of all types of arts.   They are pointless and only show one person's point of view.  This argument of elitist versus common man has been done before, and by scholars with much better abilities of articulation.  I read a bad ass essay in my Music in Film class about just such an argument.  The thing is, some people enjoy diggin deep into something and getting more than what is at face value.  

I swore America was dumb as hell when Kangaroo Jack was number one at the box office the weekend it came out.  This movie should not have made $70 million dollars.  Hell, the movie should not have made $2.  I only wish that I wasn't a manager of a theater at that time, because we always screened movies on Thursday night to make sure they were built properly. 

Yer mettacritic is a bunch of old-gen console owners and hardcore console players who have no appreciation of what other people may find interesting.

PS3 number 1 fan

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Slimebeast said:

Or RPGs. The X360 is the main RPG platform in this gen.

 Actually no, that's the DS.


Good for you but the DS doesn't count. It's not a real console, and it's graphics are even more rotten than the Wii's. ^^