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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Street Fighter IV will be released in all HD consoles and PC except for Wii

HD sprites would be too much like the up coming SFII HD, if they had done that, people would have complained SF never changes and we have already played this 10 years ago etc etc


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bobobologna said:
AFAIK, Dimps is just handling the ports. Capcom made the arcade game. So if Dimps does a good job of porting, their influence on the game should be a non-factor.

I do dislike the graphics in SF4 though. HD sprites would have been much better looking. It's one reason I can't wait for SF2HD. The graphics look amazing. Can you guys imagine a game like Odin Sphere done in HD? *Drool*

It's really amazing at how much hate is going on around here because they aren't porting it to the Wii. I'm not crying and bitching because Mass Effect isn't on the PS3. I'm not declaring Bioware to be a second rate developer. Ditto with Ninja Gaiden 2 and Team Ninja. Get over yourselves guys, and get over your Wii and it's lack of HD title ports. Just enjoy the games you do get. How many people without Wiis have whined about Suda 51 and the fact that No More Heroes is only on the Wii?

It really has nothing to do with the Wii for me.  I am a PC gamer far more than a Wii gamer (I play my PC at least twice as much), but the direction they've taken this game is really poor. 

you know what's so strange Chadius? If you get hit by a train tomorrow, you're dead. But no train, or car, or bullet can kill SF.. :).. so watch out with saying that you'll outlive SF..


Chadius said:
I'll survive.

Street Fighter won't.

i think it still has alot of life in it

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

naznatips said:
bobobologna said:
AFAIK, Dimps is just handling the ports. Capcom made the arcade game. So if Dimps does a good job of porting, their influence on the game should be a non-factor.

I do dislike the graphics in SF4 though. HD sprites would have been much better looking. It's one reason I can't wait for SF2HD. The graphics look amazing. Can you guys imagine a game like Odin Sphere done in HD? *Drool*

It's really amazing at how much hate is going on around here because they aren't porting it to the Wii. I'm not crying and bitching because Mass Effect isn't on the PS3. I'm not declaring Bioware to be a second rate developer. Ditto with Ninja Gaiden 2 and Team Ninja. Get over yourselves guys, and get over your Wii and it's lack of HD title ports. Just enjoy the games you do get. How many people without Wiis have whined about Suda 51 and the fact that No More Heroes is only on the Wii?

It really has nothing to do with the Wii for me. I am a PC gamer far more than a Wii gamer (I play my PC at least twice as much), but the direction they've taken this game is really poor.

 Yea, that part of the post wasn't aimed at you.  I'm with you about the art direction/graphics.  Chun Li's HANDS!   LOOK AT THEM!  SHE'S GOT MANHANDS! 

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if its true, i feel sorry for you Wi owners...

disolitude said:

But specifically for SF4...HD consles offer much more than just HD graphics over the Wii when it comes to this game.


Ok, you've been the main defender of this game all day, so now I need you to explain this post. Besides the HD graphics, what else is offered that hasn't been in a SF game since the days of the SNES? Physics, had that. Enhanced animation, had that (easy for a 2d game). Storyline? If you consider the Cat in the Hat a breathtaking novel, sure. New characters? That's been traditional throughout the SF series.

So what else is there? Maybe online play? Doesn't sound like "much more" than HD graphics to me. All it is is Capcom sucking money out of the ADD kids' wallets. They should just put a sticker on the front of the box that says "Look! Shiny!!"

Sad to see Capcom relegating to THQ standards.

I can't wait to play it, but no need to pre-order, cause too many people on this planet don't get things.. but I also have the largest arcade of the Netherlands in my town, 2 minutes from where I live, which still gets new arcades regulary, so I'm really going to request the arcade of the game, but I'm sure they will order it themselfs.. I hope.. sweet!


bobobologna said:
AFAIK, Dimps is just handling the ports. Capcom made the arcade game. So if Dimps does a good job of porting, their influence on the game should be a non-factor.

I do dislike the graphics in SF4 though. HD sprites would have been much better looking. It's one reason I can't wait for SF2HD. The graphics look amazing. Can you guys imagine a game like Odin Sphere done in HD? *Drool*

It's really amazing at how much hate is going on around here because they aren't porting it to the Wii. I'm not crying and bitching because Mass Effect isn't on the PS3. I'm not declaring Bioware to be a second rate developer. Ditto with Ninja Gaiden 2 and Team Ninja. Get over yourselves guys, and get over your Wii and it's lack of HD title ports. Just enjoy the games you do get. How many people without Wiis have whined about Suda 51 and the fact that No More Heroes is only on the Wii?

It's the "not-available-on-my-system-of-choice-so-it's-not-good-effect."

Most of these complaints would disappear if every gaming living room housed every console.

A lot of PS3 exclusive owners poo-poo'ed Bioshock simply because they couldn't play it, despite the arm's list of merits the game has, so this was a predictable response.

As long as the game plays as sharp as SF3, the art direction is something I can live with.

NMH on the PC, PS3 or 360... Even ignoring the fact that all textures would have to be redrawn from scratch, I think the game would still lose something in translation. Although most of the action was handled with button presses, there was enough clever implementation of the Wii control scheme to make it useful and satisfying to play.  Not sure how it would do on any other platform, although commercially, it was kind of a failure on the Wii. Most fun I've had on the Wii to date, but oh well...

man.. this arcade is going to cost me a lot of money.. but at least it will be for a good cause :)
