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disolitude said:

But specifically for SF4...HD consles offer much more than just HD graphics over the Wii when it comes to this game.


Ok, you've been the main defender of this game all day, so now I need you to explain this post. Besides the HD graphics, what else is offered that hasn't been in a SF game since the days of the SNES? Physics, had that. Enhanced animation, had that (easy for a 2d game). Storyline? If you consider the Cat in the Hat a breathtaking novel, sure. New characters? That's been traditional throughout the SF series.

So what else is there? Maybe online play? Doesn't sound like "much more" than HD graphics to me. All it is is Capcom sucking money out of the ADD kids' wallets. They should just put a sticker on the front of the box that says "Look! Shiny!!"

Sad to see Capcom relegating to THQ standards.