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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What are you hoping Nintendo will announce at E3?

A JRPG set in Hyrule. I've always wanted that for some reason. Anyways, on a more realistic note:

Starfox and something dealing with the Mother Trilogy.

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Most awesome would be Zelda. Most realistic and awesome would be Pikmin.

super mario bros for wiiware would be nice... with a new level every week or so :)

the Wii is an epidemic.

any of the following:

- Disaster: Day of Crisis will have 08 release
- Pikmin DS and Pikmin 3 wth DS-Wii connectivity
- Kid Icarus Wii
- Star Fox Wii
- F-Zero Wii
- Pokemon Wii MMORPG
- Animal Crossing Wii
- 1080 Wii with balance board support
- Wave Race with balance board support
- Paper Mario DS
- Metroid Fusion sequel which emphasises exploration and has no clear mission directive
- Fire Emblem DS
- Donkey Kong Wii 3D platformer ala DK64
- Elite Beat Agents Wii
- agreement with Silicon Knights to make Eternal Darkness sequel
- Wii Storage Solution
- they're creating anime movies of their big franchises in-house.

but i wouldnt be surprised if none of those are mentioned at E3.

If Kingdom Hearts 3 is announced as a Wii exclusive, fanboys will be owned.

That really is the best possible announcement there could be for the Wii, and I don't even like Kingdom Hearts. Still, its presence as a Wii exclusive would give the Wii a massive 3rd party argument, as well as owning Wii haters worldwide in an epic final smash as well as cement the Wii with lasting power as a hardware/software seller and give it a far off promise of a guarnteed hit 3rd party franchise.

It would single handedly guarntee the console sales war for Nintendo, while once again, owning Wii haters and fanboys alike. It would also be nice for Wii owners who like the game, but that is the least awesome thing that would happen, right under "The sky would fall."

If that happens, omg, I could die happy.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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These are the things that would make me buy a wii, so I want them to announce them:
Green wii (many colours)
Price cut (not really neccessary, but I would like one anyway)
Kingdom Hearts III (I am still doubtful)
a 1;1 lightsaber game with peripheral

that third party developers will start taking it seriously, and games like GTA4, and CoD4 won't bypass the wii because of its lack of power and HD.

Well that'd be what i wanted if i had a wii. I like things the way they are though, since i own PS360.

Mario Party 9 (16/9 and 480p)
Snes Super Mario Kart VC
Civilization Wii release date/confirmation
Mario Tennis Wii
Mario Golf Wii

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I always look for a woman who has a tattoo. I see a woman with a tattoo, and I’m thinking, okay, here’s a gal who’s capable of making a decision she’ll regret in the future.

New 2D Metroid game (Super Metroid sequel) and New 2D Zelda game (A link to the past sequel) available on WiiWare!

I hope Nintendo withdraw the Nintendo Wii and only develop games for the PS3.