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If Kingdom Hearts 3 is announced as a Wii exclusive, fanboys will be owned.

That really is the best possible announcement there could be for the Wii, and I don't even like Kingdom Hearts. Still, its presence as a Wii exclusive would give the Wii a massive 3rd party argument, as well as owning Wii haters worldwide in an epic final smash as well as cement the Wii with lasting power as a hardware/software seller and give it a far off promise of a guarnteed hit 3rd party franchise.

It would single handedly guarntee the console sales war for Nintendo, while once again, owning Wii haters and fanboys alike. It would also be nice for Wii owners who like the game, but that is the least awesome thing that would happen, right under "The sky would fall."

If that happens, omg, I could die happy.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.