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Forums - Gaming Discussion - lies again!

^woah really,thats not good of them

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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brute said:
^for who are you reffering me?


Whomever made the original comment at N4G.


The cake wasn't a lie.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



Yakuzaice said:
DTG said:
Can someone fill me in on the whole GRID video fiasco everyone is mentioning here? I must have missed out.

They did a comparison video, and when they were showing replay footage (where you can see the buttons in the bottom left) both 360 and PS3 versions showed PS buttons (triangle, r1, r2, etc).

 However it should be noted... that the PS3 and 360 versions of the replay mode looked EXACTLY the same except one crash was bigger.  While everything else looked different.

In otherwords.  They screwed up one small piece of editing in the video, yet everyone jumped to conclusions and claimed that both the entire PS3 and 360 versions were done with the PS3... with one version having it's graphics turned down. 

PhalanxCO said:
brute said:
^for who are you reffering me?


Whomever made the original comment at N4G.


oh ok then,well they just wanted to show that they lied again

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Around the Network
brute said:
PhalanxCO said:
brute said:
^for who are you reffering me?


Whomever made the original comment at N4G.


oh ok then,well they just wanted to show that they lied again

But the point is... they probably didn't. All they found out was a way to multiple vote by clearing your cache. Which is something you can do for most polls and voting things... that do infact count the results.

Once again it's a case of someone jumping to conclusions again... and once again gametrailers likely didn't really lie. 

Kasz216 said:
brute said:
PhalanxCO said:
brute said:
^for who are you reffering me?


Whomever made the original comment at N4G.


oh ok then,well they just wanted to show that they lied again

But the point is... they probably didn't. All they found out was a way to multiple vote by clearing your cache. Which is something you can do for most polls and voting things... that do infact count the results.

Once again it's a case of someone jumping to conclusions again... and once again gametrailers likely didn't really lie.

 Exactly.  I've written many online polls and there's basically only three ways to do it.  One way is by IP address, which isn't really practical because many people share the same ip and that would block large groups of people from voting.  The second way is by creating a cookie on the user's computer to show that they have already voted.  The problem with that approach is that people can easily delete their cookies and vote as much as they want to.  The third way is to base it on the user's profile, but that locks it down and it's no longer a public poll. 

I didn't see this poll so I can't say much about it, but if they wanted it to be a public poll that anyone could vote on, then the only option they had was to use cookies, which it appears to be the way they chose to do it.  If they wanted to, they could have locked it down so that only registered users could vote, but that limits the sample size.

To say that they are lying about the poll result, just because deleting your cookies let's you vote again, is foolish. 

^yeah you guys make some good points,but it would of been a little bit less complicatd for me if i saw the poll

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

brute said:
^yeah you guys make some good points,but it would of been a little bit less complicatd for me if i saw the poll

 Agreed.  It's all just speculation at this point.  Even seeing the poll doesn't help that much without seeing the code behind it.

I don't care all that much about this particular incident, but when all the latest idiocy is summed up, Gametrailers are really starting to look rather bad and unproffessional imo.