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alot of Religious Freaks in the world...and boy are they FREAKS... the rick schtick, peep em i think you'd like em..ROFL!!!!!! everyone else enjoy
my favorite when momans ,or whatever the f#ck, get CWAAAAAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CRAZY H() are not gods child..
"your getting nothing for christmas"

this is not what i want to be! i do believe in god..but these fools are CWAAAAAAZY!!!!

enjoy the spirit of these ppl, "gods ppl" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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"Because your so called GOD, created us, If that is the GOD you follow then waht does Elohim mean in Hebrew? I was raised catholic, then studied theology, worked on top projects for the govt. (thank god, no pun intended)and I had my eyes open up. If you are that hardcore in to your religion, most people that are, have done something bad, feel guilty, so they use it as a crutch. Your GOD has created everyone, even bigots. So If your God created a homosexual, are you calling your god wrong??Think about it, and God Bless!"

This is a very un-thought out post. Think about it. Think! God created everything, all things are made from God, and because God has created everything he therefore loves everything. Sin was not created. It formed out of the rebellious mind of Satan and has diseased the human race so much, that it is by human nature to sin, we are born sick with it. God knows all. He knows sin. He knew sin before sin was, because God Is, but he did not create sin. Sin came. Think about it, philosophically. Just think about it for a while. Because God loves all that he has created (even Satan) and Sin was not created, God hates sin. Sin is not of God or from God, and was not created. It is not eternal because sin began, but it was not created. Hard to understand? Hope not. 

Therefore God did not create homosexuals. He created humans. He gave them free will, and with that free will they sinned. Now that they know the knowledge of good and evil, they are responsible for it. All i have said is for the wondering Christian, and for those inquiring on the Christian Faith.

Now, in regards to what you said about using religion as a crutch. That is for the weak. Truthfully it is not religion that i rely on but Faith. Christianity and Faith is not my crutch, but it is me. It is what i have chosen to do not because i "did something bad, and feel guilty". No. I have chosen to have Christianity and Faith because of Christ and Love. Can't understand that? Too bad for you. Simply put. I believe Christ died for me because it is incredible. I believe Christ rose from the dead because it is impossible.

In the end, you must understand that my God, the only Eternal thing in and out of Matter, Space and Time did not create sin, or homosexuals. All things are made freely. It is because of this free choice that they are responsible. God doesn't punish people with Hell. He made a law eternal. A law that says Satan and all his followers are going to be thrown into Hell, at an appointed time. you can be free, and still observe the law, can't you? If that's true, none of us, not even the outlaws are free, because who could espace the laws of not only humanity, and the government, but nature itself? 

Wii Friend Code: 7356 3455 0732 3498 PM me if you add me

therickschtick2 tell me what you think about my post with the 3 you tube video' very intrested in what you have to say about those

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Gballzack said:
Religion + Gay = Boring discussion.

 I agree.  It never really gets anywhere.  I choose to disagree with the Bible on the topic of homosexuality, and that's good enough for me.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

From a certain site, in response to Rick's thing about Romans 1:

"Individuals looking at Paul's writing from a human rights perspective might reject the author's belief that homosexuality is beyond the normal -- particularly when Paul's support for the oppression of women (e.g. 1 Corinthians 14:34 - 35), and his acceptance of slavery as a normal social practice in (Philemon 1:15 to 16) are considered. They might feel that this passage in 1 Romans should be rejected as immoral and outside the will of God, much as other biblical passages are immoral by today's ethical standards and should be ignored -- including those passages that regulated human slavery, required some hookers to be burned alive, advocated genocide, required victims of rape to marry their rapist, recognized the torture of prisoners, and required the execution of non-virgin brides"

Hah, but ya, there are certain arguments that could probably go on forever, literally.. I have 100 times more to say, but I think i'll just opt out of the conversation now. On certain subjects, arguments can never be mutually resolved. There's always something that can be argued. Good day Rick, thank you for your insightful wisdom, it's people like you as to why I was always embarrased and didn't feel comfortable with myself til I was 16, but who can argue with someone so righteous as yourself..

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BenKenobi88 said:
Gballzack said:
Religion + Gay = Boring discussion.

I agree. It never really gets anywhere. I choose to disagree with the Bible on the topic of homosexuality, and that's good enough for me.

Shift the subject then, we covered the base on religion. I'll start. Let's all discuss  the problems that may occur during same sex intercource . Was it unknown territory for both of you? Or in a lighter tone, ever kissed in public and enjoyed the crowd reaction? work here is done..i've polluted the young minds with graphic images. (Satanic Laugh).


"You won't find Adobe here in Nairobi"


Anyone else agree that this thread has run it's course and should be locked?

weezy said:
therickschtick2 tell me what you think about my post with the 3 you tube video' very intrested in what you have to say about those

 Ok, video # 1. 

Thats was so funny! i was dyin' on the floor from laughter! It's like they're bipolar or something. One second their "Hello saints!" and the next, "Get the **** in the house!!!" If they call themselves Christians, i'm sad for anyone who believes them. You saw the anger and hatred in the guy. They need to lie down, and get some sleep. 

 Now Video # 2.

What  in the world was the lady saying? Something about Catholicism, and money, and "The Ungodly". Ok. there are barely any places that are Holy. Not even the church is holy. In fact, the church is coming to be as currupt as the government (as it seemed to be for so long).  Truthfully that lady isn't the christian Jesus Christ died for. She wasn't making any sense, and again, if you think that is a christian, to me she's just a demon in a lady's body, in the name of Christ.

 Finally Video 3 3.

That's not how you deal with any problem with any of your children. Seriously. We're going to Church? Your not getting any presents for Christmas? Horrid Lady. She has no idea what she is doing. You can't force someone to be Christian. Simple as that. The best thing to do is listen to what your child has to say, and figure why he has come to the conclusion of no God. Let me tell you, in no way do i see this lady doing anything but pushing God away from the kid. Besides, its at the teenage years where people feel that they must rebel. They think that they are thinking (which they are) but it is a low level of thinking to just switch to athiesm due to wanting to do what you want. And finally, that lady said something foolish. Even Angels who have served, lived, talked with, and seen God have turned away from him. Why can't she believe that her son, (who has not served, lived, talked with and seen God) turns away from God? foolish.

 But this only proves my theory. There are few Christians in the world, and the main enemy of Christianity are the so called "christians".  So many people live now without knowing a true Christian and thier Faith, and the Eternal God of which all was created. They only know fake christians, and false gods. 

Wii Friend Code: 7356 3455 0732 3498 PM me if you add me

rickthestick2 said:
weezy said:
therickschtick2 tell me what you think about my post with the 3 you tube video' very intrested in what you have to say about those

 Ok, video # 1. 

Thats was so funny! i was dyin' on the floor from laughter! It's like they're bipolar or something. One second their "Hello saints!" and the next, "Get the **** in the house!!!" If they call themselves Christians, i'm sad for anyone who believes them. You saw the anger and hatred in the guy. They need to lie down, and get some sleep. 

 Now Video # 2.

What  in the world was the lady saying? Something about Catholicism, and money, and "The Ungodly". Ok. there are barely any places that are Holy. Not even the church is holy. In fact, the church is coming to be as currupt as the government (as it seemed to be for so long).  Truthfully that lady isn't the christian Jesus Christ died for. She wasn't making any sense, and again, if you think that is a christian, to me she's just a demon in a lady's body, in the name of Christ.

 Finally Video 3 3.

That's not how you deal with any problem with any of your children. Seriously. We're going to Church? Your not getting any presents for Christmas? Horrid Lady. She has no idea what she is doing. You can't force someone to be Christian. Simple as that. The best thing to do is listen to what your child has to say, and figure why he has come to the conclusion of no God. Let me tell you, in no way do i see this lady doing anything but pushing God away from the kid. Besides, its at the teenage years where people feel that they must rebel. They think that they are thinking (which they are) but it is a low level of thinking to just switch to athiesm due to wanting to do what you want. And finally, that lady said something foolish. Even Angels who have served, lived, talked with, and seen God have turned away from him. Why can't she believe that her son, (who has not served, lived, talked with and seen God) turns away from God? foolish.

 But this only proves my theory. There are few Christians in the world, and the main enemy of Christianity are the so called "christians".  So many people live now without knowing a true Christian and thier Faith, and the Eternal God of which all was created. They only know fake christians, and false gods. 

OK rick you wanna quote the bible?? quote this..It is ok if you or anyone else wnats to come out. We do not judge on this post!

What the Bible really says about lesbians & gay men


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Sodom and Gomorrah

(Genesis 19: 1-29)


After a careful reading of this story, the reader will probably wonder why it has been used to condemn homosexuals. The meaning of the story turns on the use of a Hebrew word that is translated "to know". Lot, a foreigner, lives in the city of Sodom. Two angels come to visit the city to investigate rumours of great evil and Lot offers them the hospitality of his home. When this ancient story was written, offers of hospitality were very solemn duties. They required the host to protect his guests and show them the greatest possible respect.

The men of the city, hearing that Lot has two strangers as guests, gather at his door and demand that the angels (who they take for ordinary mortals) come out. "Bring them to us that we may know them." Lot refuses and attempts to satisfy them with the offer that they may know his two virgin daughters instead.

The word frequently translated as "to know" has several meanings. Another translation of the demand of the men of Sodom is "Send them out to us. Let's rape them." Although the word sometimes means to have sexual contact, it is doubtful that the men of Sodom were inviting the visitors to the sort of pleasant contact that many couples today call sex.

Many writers consider the men's intention to be anal rape - one of the things the Criminal Code of Canada calls sexual assault.

Sodom is referred to many times in Scripture as a symbol of the utter destruction caused by great sin. But nowhere in Scripture is this sin identified as homosexuality. Jesus appears to call it the sin of inhospitality (Luke 10:10-12) Ezekiel calls it "pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease." (Ezekiel 16:49-50, NRSV) Isaiah says it is injustice (Isaiah 1:10 +ff) Jeremiah calls it moral laxity (Jeremiah 23:14) In the New Testament, Peter says it is licentiousness and ungodliness (2 Peter 2:6 ff. )

But nowhere in the Bible is homosexuality stated as the cause of Sodom's destruction.

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The Holiness Code

(Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13)


These are the only two passages in the Old Testament where homosexual acts are mentioned. They are in a list of rules and prohibitions (known as the Holiness Code), which were written after the exile in Babylon, and were intended to distinguish Israel from her pagan neighbours.

Among Israel's neighbours, fertility rites were common, and worshippers used male and female temple prostitutes for this purpose. These sexual acts are forbidden as abominations, a word in Hebrew that does not mean morally wrong, but unclean or disgusting to the Hebrews -- like eating pork or having intercourse with a menstruating woman. However, the Holiness Code is not binding upon Christians. Both Jesus and Paul declared that under the New Covenant, it was not the external violation of Levitical law, but spiritual infidelity that made a person unclean.

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St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians, and Timothy

(1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and Timothy 1:9-10)


The Greek words which are often translated as "homosexual" or "sodomite" in these passages are uncertain in their meaning. Malakoi, the word used in Corinthians, literally means "soft". It is used elsewhere to describe dissolute or wanton behaviour in general, but is not used elsewhere in association with homosexuals. The word arsenokoitai (used in Timothy) is quite rare and very probably referred to a male prostitute who serviced either sex.

What is really striking is that there were specific words in first-century Greek which were commonly used to describe homosexuals; words which would have had an unequivocal meaning. If the author's intention was to refer to homosexuality, it is almost certain he would have used one of those.

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St. Paul's Letter to the Romans

(Romans 1:26-27)


In this letter, Paul discusses the Gentiles who, abandoning the true God, turned to idols and as a result abandoned their natural heterosexual behaviour for homosexual acts. We should not read our twentieth-century concept of nature or natural law into Paul's writing. In this passage, "against nature" means "unusual" or "uncharacteristic". The difference is clear when we see that Paul also says that God acts against nature by grafting the Gentiles onto the cultivated tree of the Jewish Covenant. We should also not make the mistake of reading modern concepts of homosexuality into the writings of Paul, or indeed, any of the Bible. The main point is that nothing like respectful and loving peer homosexual relationships existed in ancient times. Paul is not talking about modern homosexuals.

The point of Paul's argument is against idolatry. He uses the reference to homosexuality as an illustration that one of the results of idolatry is confusion in both sexual matters and matters relating to God. Paul's point is that each person must be true to God's purpose for that person; and that one can do this only in communion with God.

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In this short paper, we have examined all the references traditionally presumed to address the subject of homosexuality. A scholarly and reasoned approach shows that Scripture gives us no specific guidance on homosexuality that is applicable to our times. However, Christian faith proclaims God as the creator of all things (including homosexuals) and the lover of all things created (including homosexuals).

There is no record of Jesus having said anything on the subject. Any legitimate conclusion that can be reached about the place of homosexuals in God's Kingdom must come from a clear understanding of the Gospel message; the message of God's eternal love for all of us.

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Integrity is a justice ministry by gays, lesbians, and their friends in the Anglican Church of Canada. We believe that there is an equal place at God's table for all God's children. We are affiliated with similar organisations in the United States and in Australia.

wow Rick, it really sounds like you're a holy man (refering to his last post). I can't believe that most Christians in this world aren't really Christians. I believe we should start the Rick foundation where people can come in and let you decide whether or not they're a "real" Christian. Because it seems that you're the only one righteous enough to be one. O holy art thou

And what was that verse? Don't be quick to point out the thorn in your neighbors eye, for you have one in your own.. or something like that..