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From a certain site, in response to Rick's thing about Romans 1:

"Individuals looking at Paul's writing from a human rights perspective might reject the author's belief that homosexuality is beyond the normal -- particularly when Paul's support for the oppression of women (e.g. 1 Corinthians 14:34 - 35), and his acceptance of slavery as a normal social practice in (Philemon 1:15 to 16) are considered. They might feel that this passage in 1 Romans should be rejected as immoral and outside the will of God, much as other biblical passages are immoral by today's ethical standards and should be ignored -- including those passages that regulated human slavery, required some hookers to be burned alive, advocated genocide, required victims of rape to marry their rapist, recognized the torture of prisoners, and required the execution of non-virgin brides"

Hah, but ya, there are certain arguments that could probably go on forever, literally.. I have 100 times more to say, but I think i'll just opt out of the conversation now. On certain subjects, arguments can never be mutually resolved. There's always something that can be argued. Good day Rick, thank you for your insightful wisdom, it's people like you as to why I was always embarrased and didn't feel comfortable with myself til I was 16, but who can argue with someone so righteous as yourself..