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"Because your so called GOD, created us, If that is the GOD you follow then waht does Elohim mean in Hebrew? I was raised catholic, then studied theology, worked on top projects for the govt. (thank god, no pun intended)and I had my eyes open up. If you are that hardcore in to your religion, most people that are, have done something bad, feel guilty, so they use it as a crutch. Your GOD has created everyone, even bigots. So If your God created a homosexual, are you calling your god wrong??Think about it, and God Bless!"

This is a very un-thought out post. Think about it. Think! God created everything, all things are made from God, and because God has created everything he therefore loves everything. Sin was not created. It formed out of the rebellious mind of Satan and has diseased the human race so much, that it is by human nature to sin, we are born sick with it. God knows all. He knows sin. He knew sin before sin was, because God Is, but he did not create sin. Sin came. Think about it, philosophically. Just think about it for a while. Because God loves all that he has created (even Satan) and Sin was not created, God hates sin. Sin is not of God or from God, and was not created. It is not eternal because sin began, but it was not created. Hard to understand? Hope not. 

Therefore God did not create homosexuals. He created humans. He gave them free will, and with that free will they sinned. Now that they know the knowledge of good and evil, they are responsible for it. All i have said is for the wondering Christian, and for those inquiring on the Christian Faith.

Now, in regards to what you said about using religion as a crutch. That is for the weak. Truthfully it is not religion that i rely on but Faith. Christianity and Faith is not my crutch, but it is me. It is what i have chosen to do not because i "did something bad, and feel guilty". No. I have chosen to have Christianity and Faith because of Christ and Love. Can't understand that? Too bad for you. Simply put. I believe Christ died for me because it is incredible. I believe Christ rose from the dead because it is impossible.

In the end, you must understand that my God, the only Eternal thing in and out of Matter, Space and Time did not create sin, or homosexuals. All things are made freely. It is because of this free choice that they are responsible. God doesn't punish people with Hell. He made a law eternal. A law that says Satan and all his followers are going to be thrown into Hell, at an appointed time. you can be free, and still observe the law, can't you? If that's true, none of us, not even the outlaws are free, because who could espace the laws of not only humanity, and the government, but nature itself? 

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