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weezy said:
therickschtick2 tell me what you think about my post with the 3 you tube video' very intrested in what you have to say about those

 Ok, video # 1. 

Thats was so funny! i was dyin' on the floor from laughter! It's like they're bipolar or something. One second their "Hello saints!" and the next, "Get the **** in the house!!!" If they call themselves Christians, i'm sad for anyone who believes them. You saw the anger and hatred in the guy. They need to lie down, and get some sleep. 

 Now Video # 2.

What  in the world was the lady saying? Something about Catholicism, and money, and "The Ungodly". Ok. there are barely any places that are Holy. Not even the church is holy. In fact, the church is coming to be as currupt as the government (as it seemed to be for so long).  Truthfully that lady isn't the christian Jesus Christ died for. She wasn't making any sense, and again, if you think that is a christian, to me she's just a demon in a lady's body, in the name of Christ.

 Finally Video 3 3.

That's not how you deal with any problem with any of your children. Seriously. We're going to Church? Your not getting any presents for Christmas? Horrid Lady. She has no idea what she is doing. You can't force someone to be Christian. Simple as that. The best thing to do is listen to what your child has to say, and figure why he has come to the conclusion of no God. Let me tell you, in no way do i see this lady doing anything but pushing God away from the kid. Besides, its at the teenage years where people feel that they must rebel. They think that they are thinking (which they are) but it is a low level of thinking to just switch to athiesm due to wanting to do what you want. And finally, that lady said something foolish. Even Angels who have served, lived, talked with, and seen God have turned away from him. Why can't she believe that her son, (who has not served, lived, talked with and seen God) turns away from God? foolish.

 But this only proves my theory. There are few Christians in the world, and the main enemy of Christianity are the so called "christians".  So many people live now without knowing a true Christian and thier Faith, and the Eternal God of which all was created. They only know fake christians, and false gods. 

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