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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Is Microsoft targetting the wrong platform!

So MS's answer to Nintendo is a game that release 2 years ago and that currently sell for 15$ and an hybrid game that once was a Nintendo franchise but with more inspiration taken from Ratchet and Clank than from the original games?

If it is, it won't compete with Nintendo at all.

As for all the gamers that would "upgrade" to Xbox 360, I seriously doubt that it's because of those games. It might be because they have other tastes and to play GTA, Halo, CoD, etc.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


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There's no Wii new "casual" user that would upgrade to any of the two other consoles. Only viral marketers/astroturfers/shills like jasonnc80 above, which are so obvious to spot, would "upgrade".
These people are annoying because they always spit the same crap nonsense, and as it's pure BS, add no valuable information. You can spot them easily too : "I'm a huge Nintendo fans since years, but got bored by the lack of games on Wii, and upgraded to XB360".

Anyway, MS does the right thing to try, but unfortunately, they aren't doing it right.
What Nintendo is doing is not making casual games, that's nonsense that those saying them, actually believe their own BS. Nintendo targets the downmarket, and is moving upstream then. These games from MS are already in the upmarket.
People mix downmarket with casual, they will be disappointed, I'm sure.
Before trying to pull people from the Wii, they need to understand Nintendo's strategy, and they clearly don't. I just hope for them that this is not their secret weapon against the Wii, or the failure will be even more epic.

What's interesting, is that they're already starting to alienate their own upmarket consumers, like the predicted behaviour of competitors which are targets of a disruption strategy.

ookaze said:
There's no Wii new "casual" user that would upgrade to any of the two other consoles. Only viral marketers/astroturfers/shills like jasonnc80 above, which are so obvious to spot, would "upgrade".
These people are annoying because they always spit the same crap nonsense, and as it's pure BS, add no valuable information. You can spot them easily too : "I'm a huge Nintendo fans since years, but got bored by the lack of games on Wii, and upgraded to XB360".

Anyway, MS does the right thing to try, but unfortunately, they aren't doing it right.
What Nintendo is doing is not making casual games, that's nonsense that those saying them, actually believe their own BS. Nintendo targets the downmarket, and is moving upstream then. These games from MS are already in the upmarket.
People mix downmarket with casual, they will be disappointed, I'm sure.
Before trying to pull people from the Wii, they need to understand Nintendo's strategy, and they clearly don't. I just hope for them that this is not their secret weapon against the Wii, or the failure will be even more epic.

What's interesting, is that they're already starting to alienate their own upmarket consumers, like the predicted behaviour of competitors which are targets of a disruption strategy.


You have got to kidding me.  There are many things I've been called before in my life but a shill for microsoft is definitely not one of them.

Want me to show you my original NES I've had for over 20 years?  Or the SNES?  I still have my receipt from the two Wii's me and my friend waited outside target for on launch night.  I can also show you the library of gamecube games I have even though I don't have a system to play them on.  Remember the part when I said I would rebuy a Wii later on when there were more games to purchase and the system was cheaper?

Get a life guy, just because somebody has different tastes as your own doesn't make them a shill.  Kudos to you for enjoying your Wii.  I'm happy for you and I'm not being sarcastic.  But don't assume a person is something they are not just because the have a different "taste" in gaming as your own. 

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection
jasonnc80 said:
ookaze said:
There's no Wii new "casual" user that would upgrade to any of the two other consoles. Only viral marketers/astroturfers/shills like jasonnc80 above, which are so obvious to spot, would "upgrade".
These people are annoying because they always spit the same crap nonsense, and as it's pure BS, add no valuable information. You can spot them easily too : "I'm a huge Nintendo fans since years, but got bored by the lack of games on Wii, and upgraded to XB360".

Anyway, MS does the right thing to try, but unfortunately, they aren't doing it right.
What Nintendo is doing is not making casual games, that's nonsense that those saying them, actually believe their own BS. Nintendo targets the downmarket, and is moving upstream then. These games from MS are already in the upmarket.
People mix downmarket with casual, they will be disappointed, I'm sure.
Before trying to pull people from the Wii, they need to understand Nintendo's strategy, and they clearly don't. I just hope for them that this is not their secret weapon against the Wii, or the failure will be even more epic.

What's interesting, is that they're already starting to alienate their own upmarket consumers, like the predicted behaviour of competitors which are targets of a disruption strategy.


You have got to kidding me. There are many things I've been called before in my life but a shill for microsoft is definitely not one of them.

Want me to show you my original NES I've had for over 20 years? Or the SNES? I still have my receipt from the two Wii's me and my friend waited outside target for on launch night. I can also show you the library of gamecube games I have even though I don't have a system to play them on. Remember the part when I said I would rebuy a Wii later on when there were more games to purchase and the system was cheaper?

Get a life guy, just because somebody has different tastes as your own doesn't make them a shill. Kudos to you for enjoying your Wii. I'm happy for you and I'm not being sarcastic. But don't assume a person is something they are not just because the have a different "taste" in gaming as your own.

Haven't you also said that the Wii would just "be rehashes of franchises I've been playing for almost 20 years."? You also said that "fans of video games" will "upgrade". That's why you got called a " viral marketers/astroturfers/shills like jasonnc80 above, which are so obvious to spot". I believe it's true because you made the ridiculous claim that true fans will "upgrade".

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Several "experts" interpreted the April NPD results and the failure of GTA IV to significant boost sales as indicating that the PS3 and Xbox 360 had saturated their potential market, at least at the current prices. If the boost also fails to show up in May, it will be hard to find any other interpretation. Obviously having a saturated market at current levels is unacceptable, and quite possibly unsustainable.

There are only two solutions in that case. You can cut prices, which both Sony and MS are loath to do because it would mean bleeding red ink. Competing with each other is pointless since there may not be much there in the way of a market to fight over. Or you can increase the market. Looking around the best and perhaps only large untapped market would be the gamers that Nintendo is so successfully attracting, so the only logical tactic is to compete with Nintendo for a portion of that market.

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It seems like some of you are afraid of MS diversifying their library. I don't understand how this could be wrong. The main complaint everyone had with the Xbox was that it's library catered to one group. MS is now trying to change that stigma a bit and they still get complaints? Yet the PS3 has started to get Shooter and Racer heavy but yet it's ok for Sony to do that? I don't get it...

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


Godot said:

Haven't you also said that the Wii would just "be rehashes of franchises I've been playing for almost 20 years."? You also said that "fans of video games" will "upgrade". That's why you got called a " viral marketers/astroturfers/shills like jasonnc80 above, which are so obvious to spot". I believe it's true because you made the ridiculous claim that true fans will "upgrade".

EDIT: Nevermind. Arguing over the internet is stupid. I'm sorry my point went over your head or was phrased poorly. Next time I will keep it short and sweet. I'm just leave it at this: it's not uncommon for people to transition from one console to another. Especially early in the lifespan when game selections for a console is very small. Like it was for the 360 a year after it came out. Like it is for the Wii last year and the PS3 as well. If you want to know my exact timeline of events I actually bought my X360 several months before I sold my Wii so it wasn't an "upgrade :P" as much as I just got tired of waiting for games and had an opportunity to sell something for more then I paid for it.  I guess my choice of words was poor and apologize.

I'll now take the time I could be arguing and use it go cash my checks from Microsoft

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

Another failure of a MS astroturfer...
Anyway, yes, it's very uncommon for people to transition from one console to another.
It's uncommon among core gamers already, and it's downright rare among casuals, like core gamers love to call them. It will be even more rare among Wii users. People that were afraid of the old controllers have virtually no chance at all to go to any of the other consoles. Their controls are just too poor and complicated compared to the Wii for that to happen.
Just look at PS1 and PS2. That's why what happens is that the good exclusive games migrate to the winner console.

Man, this makes me recall of when I was arguing with PC players back in the days. The guys did not understand that people playing Tomb Raider or other games with a joypad would never go play the same game with better graphics on the PC, but with a keyboard or a joystick. That just didn't make sense, but they believed it hard. Of course, it never happens. PC controls are so poor, that people (excuse-me, casuals) even prefer dual thumbstick rather than keyboard and mouse.

ookaze said:
Another failure of a MS astroturfer...
Anyway, yes, it's very uncommon for people to transition from one console to another.
It's uncommon among core gamers already, and it's downright rare among casuals, like core gamers love to call them. It will be even more rare among Wii users. People that were afraid of the old controllers have virtually no chance at all to go to any of the other consoles. Their controls are just too poor and complicated compared to the Wii for that to happen.
Just look at PS1 and PS2. That's why what happens is that the good exclusive games migrate to the winner console.

Man, this makes me recall of when I was arguing with PC players back in the days. The guys did not understand that people playing Tomb Raider or other games with a joypad would never go play the same game with better graphics on the PC, but with a keyboard or a joystick. That just didn't make sense, but they believed it hard. Of course, it never happens. PC controls are so poor, that people (excuse-me, casuals) even prefer dual thumbstick rather than keyboard and mouse.

Shrug, guess I'm just in the minority then.  You know who bought my Wii?  A college kid who was *gasp* selling his 360 to buy a Wii.  Guess in your world if he posted on VGChartz he'd be receiving checks from Reggie himself. 

Good job with the name calling and throwing out wild accusations though. I guess you figure it's as an easy way, in your mind at least, to invalidate somebody with a different opinion or somebody that doesn't fall in line with the way you think the gaming world works.

I hope that sticking it to 'that MS guy' helps you sleep better at night

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

MS astroturfers get what they deserve.
Try to think! There's no way a Nintendo fan who supposedly avidly went through 20 years of Nintendo franchises, loving them even through Gamecube era while passing on PS2 games, and suddenly, when Nintendo puts out lots of their franchises, improved, in 1.5 years, the supposedly avid Nintendo fan throw everything away and go to XB360.
That doesn't even make sense. Especially someone used to Nintendo hardware reliability going to a not reliable console like the XB360.
Someone genuinely migrating to XB360 wouldn't have talked about 20 years of Nintendo fanness, that makes no sense unless you want to show that XB360 is so amazing that even the biggest fans switch. This is in fact an exact copy of the strategy of the first Mac switcher campaign, that MS quickly copied with its army of astroturfers.
I told you, people like you are easily spot, and they all react the same.
I dealt with you people in other market long before the Wii came into existence. I'm actually amazed there are so many in the videogame market.