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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Is Microsoft targetting the wrong platform!

At Microsoft's Spring Showcase 2008 they showed off plenty of great looking games. But notably was a change in direction from the last few years. Microsoft is shifting its focus from Racing and shooting games over to casual and platforming. Microsoft's announcement of an X-Mote and the showcase of Rare developed Nintendo style titles like Banjo and VivaPinata set Microsoft on a collision course with Nintendo.



But at this moment should Microsoft be targetting Nintendo? 

Analysts expect 2008 to be the peak of this generation with 2009 finalizing who will win this generation and who will retain which market share. So while its true that Nintendo at the moment has the largest user base is it smart to try and take Nintendo on while Sony is still alive and well. Infact Microsoft appears to have completely written Sony off with only two games that really challenge Sony in any real way.




It would appear that Microsoft is sort of ignoring the Sony threat. Gears Of War2 the only answer to MetalGearSolid , Resistance2 and KillZone2. I mean Sony is massing its games on Microsoft's border and Microsoft appears more intent on attacking Nintendo's market share then defending its own lead on Sony.

So who should Microsoft really be worrying about this year?

The company who is trying to steal its market share or the company who Microsoft's trying to steal market share from? 


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


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Diversity is a good thing for the 360 this year.

X-mote hasn't been announced as far as i'm aware. 

I agree, Microsoft should just focus on its own strengths as a hardcore gamers platform. The battle for first is over, Wii has this generation sewn up, and besides, no one is going to beat Nintendo at its own game. Microsoft should concentrate on consolidating its lead over the PS3.

I don't really see how 2 games (VP and BK3) lead you to think that Microsoft is targeting the wrong audience, they need diversity if they are going to get sales.

Whats wrong with the 360 to have games such as these?
Is it wrong for Nintendo to have "hardcore games" too?

I think you read too much into what a few titles at a specific point in time could mean in terms of overall strategy.

But yes, if you really want to speculate about the MS Spring Showcase games, you could very well draw the conclusion that MS feels that the X360 already has a strong profile as a "hard-core"-platform, but lacks appeal in other genres.

Btw, Banjo is a racing game.

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Joelcool7 said:

At Microsoft's Spring Showcase 2008 they showed off plenty of great looking games. But notably was a change in direction from the last few years. Microsoft is shifting its focus from Racing and shooting games over to casual and platforming. Microsoft's announcement of an X-Mote and the showcase of Rare developed Nintendo style titles like Banjo and VivaPinata set Microsoft on a collision course with Nintendo.

 Um.. Rare completely changed the Banjo franchise and made it into a racing and shooting (while in vehicle) game.. most likely to suit the 360s current audience

 Also, questions shouldn't have exclamation marks at the end of them?

more family friendly cant be a bad thing

The 360 is just building a more diversified lineup. Thats not a bad thing. May I remind you that viva sold over 1 million copies (how it got there is irrelevant), and scene it has nearly half a million sales in NA alone. So there is definitely a market on the 360 for casual games. Its just not bigger then Nintendo's but its a market that can be tapped and hopefully increased in size nonetheless.

The vast majority of the 360's exclusive software this year is hardcore. Its just not FPS. Which isn't a bad thing at all. What we're seeing in essentially Microsoft increasingly diversify their library. Which means that it'll appeal to more people which is only a good thing.


EDIT. The 360 doesn't just have Fable 3 competing with FF13, thats just silly. The 360 has Infinite Undiscovery + Tales + Cry On (if it makes it this year). Besides FF 13 is not getting released this year, so its more like the ps3 doesn't have anything to deal with the 360's JRPG lineup just yet. Thats not even including Fable which isn't even JRPG.

Furthermore the 360 has the new splinter cell to compete with MGS (MGS obviously being the better game), gears 2 to compete with Resistance and killzone wont even make it this year.

So back to my point. The 360 seemingly is defending its hardcore roots, whilst also diversifying its lineup.

meh, i think u have a point about the lack of majour shooters/racers for the 360, other than GOW2, id struggle to think of other games in thoose genres, as there 2 of my fave genres im kinda dissapoionted, for my PS3 i can look forward to MGS4, Resistance 2, Motorstorm 2 and Killzone 2. I have no problem with them diversifying though, just as long as they dont abandon Shooters and Racers alltogether.

I reckon Microsoft should bring rally sport challenge back. That was awesome.