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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Is Microsoft targetting the wrong platform!

FaRmLaNd said:

May I remind you that viva sold over 1 million copies (how it got there is irrelevant), and scene it has nearly half a million sales in NA alone. So there is definitely a market on the 360 for casual games.

lol, it's irrelevant that 750,000 copies of the game were packed in a Christmas bundle (together with Forza Motorsport 2) and sold to typical X360-gamers, most of whom probably never put the DVD inside their console more than once?

Yes, there definitely is a market on the X360 for casual games if you shove it into a bundle lol.

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Diversifying its games is a good thing. More people will want a 360, because they may prefer platform games over shooters.

"All 360 has is shooters? What the hell?"

"Damn Microsoft, and there diversifying from shooters!"

tabsina said:
Joelcool7 said:

At Microsoft's Spring Showcase 2008 they showed off plenty of great looking games. But notably was a change in direction from the last few years. Microsoft is shifting its focus from Racing and shooting games over to casual and platforming. Microsoft's announcement of an X-Mote and the showcase of Rare developed Nintendo style titles like Banjo and VivaPinata set Microsoft on a collision course with Nintendo.

Um.. Rare completely changed the Banjo franchise and made it into a racing and shooting (while in vehicle) game.. most likely to suit the 360s current audience

Also, questions shouldn't have exclamation marks at the end of them?

Umm to a degree thats where the name Nuts and Bults come from however in their interview they promise platforming action for the fans of the series! Also you have to note that Microsoft has lead the shooter/Racing genre since the consoles release, but this year it would appear PS3 will be taking over.

I am all for diversity I just think Microsoft should be focusing on competing against Sony rather then diversifying. Because unlike companies like Nintendo who hit the ground running (WiiMote,BalanceBoard) Microsoft has an established user base. Ignoring that user base to target a competitors user base leaves you open.

No die hard shooting fan can possibly be happy at the first party showings this year, Gears is great but it doesn't trump three solid franchises. This holiday season I think Sony is going to do a number on Microsofts lead due to Microsoft's decision to diversify.

Because while Microsoft is diversifying all of their hardcore shooting/racing gamers will look into buying PS3's for their fall line up. That being said I am looking forward to Banjo:Nuts and Bults I just don't think shifting the target demographics this late in the console war is a smart decision.

The X-Box has made a name for itself in the shooter/Racing genre, Wii has made a name for itself in the Casual game sector and PS3 doesn't have a name for itself other then failure to launch. Microsoft is giving up its name this year in hopes to diversify while Sony is simply trying to take Microsoft's market share.

Microsoft is pretty much handing their market share over. As many fans even in this thread have indicated they own PS3's. Rather then diversify stick to what your best at "Blowing peoples brains out"! 


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Microsoft is finally catching onto what nintendo is doing. Im a big nintendo fan and would hate it if nintendo lost first place but ill let you all in on a secret ;) you prolly hate being told this by nintendo fans but it seems as though nintendo fans are the only ones who care to understand what nintendo is doing.

Nintendo attracted the over shot market with its wii. The ps3 and 360 took their technology and prices to far leaving a huge market behind! The best way to compete against your opponent in this kind of industry is not to compete against them at all but to pick up the market that’s been over shot. This only works in an industry where the market is being hugely overshot like it is now.

but none the less what MS is doing is beginning to attract people in the over shot market thus by not directly competing with sony they are actually competing quite competitively.

So it makes more sence to compete with nintendo then it does with sony. They wont over take nintendo but by dipping into the over shot market they may manage to pick up the sales they need to remain in second place.

funny little note ill add: I got my girlfriend (now wife) into video games buy getting her hello kitty on the original xbox and now she loves all of nintendos cute games like super paper mario and animal crossing, she owns quite a few games all because ms introduced her with a simple hello kitty game but was then unable to hold onto her by offering truck loads of more games at a price she could aford. Ms needs to get this market and then hold onto it. One or two games isnt going to be enough other wise we will see alot of people feeling as though they have wasted hundreds of dollars on a system that is only offering them a few games they like and they see the value of the wii, with games they love and then move over to that. If MS dedicates them selves to this market it these new games their making will pay off in the long run

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

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If Nintendo meets it's projections next March and Sony/MS don't far surpass ours, we'll know the winner of this current gen with 90 percent certainty.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


If M$ gain just 1 mill extra gamers form the Nintendo style camp with these games then thats 1 mill that Sony wont have. But that photo is FF13 is it not? So why Fable 2 vs FF13. They are out on different years.

You also seem to have forgotten Too Human, NG2, Halo Wars, ME2?(Originally ME was supposed to be yearly.) Infinate Undiscovery, Tales of Vesperia. And thats major hiters in 2008. So no M$ havent forgot about Sony at all.

"Gears Of War2 the only answer to MetalGearSolid , Resistance2 and KillZone2"

Brrrr! Gears Of War2 vs MetalGearSolid ?!?!
This is a joke? Splinter Sell is the game that MS is putting vs Metal Gear Solid 4 and for me is the better game. I don't like "movies style" games when you watch more then you play.
Gears Of War 2 vs Resistance 2 this is the real one. Kill Zone 2 will come in 2009 and we will see what MS is cooking for it.
FF13 vs Fable 2 ?!?! JRPG vs WRPG ?!?!?
Infinite Undiscovery + Tales + Cry On will stand vs FF13. Not Fable 2.
Tell me what SONY have vs Fable 2? Mass Effect? Mass Effect 2? Nothing!
What about Too Human? Sacred 2? Nothing in ARPG too!
Ninja Gaiden 2? God of War 3 will come 1 year later.

Halo Wars vs mmmm ... nothing

When GT 5 cames out in 2009 is this going to be PS3 answer for PGR 4. Or will be for Forza 2? Or may be it will be PS3 answer for Forza 3?

Slimebeast said:
FaRmLaNd said:

May I remind you that viva sold over 1 million copies (how it got there is irrelevant), and scene it has nearly half a million sales in NA alone. So there is definitely a market on the 360 for casual games.

lol, it's irrelevant that 750,000 copies of the game were packed in a Christmas bundle (together with Forza Motorsport 2) and sold to typical X360-gamers, most of whom probably never put the DVD inside their console more than once?

Yes, there definitely is a market on the X360 for casual games if you shove it into a bundle lol.

Too true :P I left myself open there on purpose. But I wouldn't agree with the assertion that the people didn't play the game! From all accounts its a decent enough game. The bundling strikes me as an attempt to create demand for casual games, which was the entire point of my post really (see wii sports, it helped create the casual market for the wii). It'll be really interesting to see if its paid off with the new pinata. But nevertheless casual games are selling ok on the 360. Scene it being my major example, which is probably over 500k with others. Now that may not be a stupid amount of sales but its mildly successful. I don't see the issue with trying to get more casuals? It strikes me as a good move, its not like its alienating the hardcore 360 users as the 360 has many great hardcore releases coming this year.


BrayanA said:

"Gears Of War2 the only answer to MetalGearSolid , Resistance2 and KillZone2"

Brrrr! Gears Of War2 vs MetalGearSolid ?!?!
This is a joke? Splinter Sell is the game that MS is putting vs Metal Gear Solid 4 and for me is the better game. I don't like "movies style" games when you watch more then you play.
Gears Of War 2 vs Resistance 2 this is the real one. Kill Zone 2 will come in 2009 and we will see what MS is cooking for it.
FF13 vs Fable 2 ?!?! JRPG vs WRPG ?!?!?
Infinite Undiscovery + Tales + Cry On will stand vs FF13. Not Fable 2.
Tell me what SONY have vs Fable 2? Mass Effect? Mass Effect 2? Nothing!
What about Too Human? Sacred 2? Nothing in ARPG too!
Ninja Gaiden 2? God of War 3 will come 1 year later.

Halo Wars vs mmmm ... nothing

When GT 5 cames out in 2009 is this going to be PS3 answer for PGR 4. Or will be for Forza 2? Or may be it will be PS3 answer for Forza 3?

 This is the perfect answer...