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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do Nintendo fans enjoy seeing the downfall of the HD consoles?

wartaal said:
its nice and all of you to critisize hd games for not being innovative, but i dont recall ssmb, mkwii, tloz:tp, mp 3 and mario g being innovative.

Sure wiifit and wiisports are somewhat innovative, but if this is what u call innovation i rather play the 'conventional games'.

Also hd games are mostly violent, but you dont mind when u play games that are considered kiddy because you say gameplay is more important than appearance.

Yet you dont like violent games cuz they appear violent and more realistic.
kind of contradicting yourselves.

It was big budget games being the issue here, and some of those you listed were big budget, at least for Nintendo. 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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It's not the consoles themselves I hate, it's the philosophy behind them.

How many developers have we seen close this year alone? How many publishers are taking massive losses this FY?

All thanks to the development philosophy behind the HD consoles.

Let's bankrupt our independent developers, let's necessitate regurgitation over creativity and risk, let's narrow our market down to the exact age, gender, income bracket and horoscope sign.

Let the elite niche govern all.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

wartaal said:
It's nice and all of you to criticize games for not being innovative, but I don't recall SSBB, MKWii, TLoZ:TP, MP:3, and SMG being innovative.

Sure WiiFit and WiiSports are somewhat innovative, but if this is what you call innovation, I would rather play the 'conventional games'.

Also, HD games are mostly violent, but you don't mind when you play games that are considered kiddy because you say gameplay is more important than appearance.

Yet you don't like violent games because they appear violent and more realistic.
You're kind of contradicting yourselves.

Atrocious grammar fixed so I can post a rebuttal.

First off, you are confused with innovation and a new direction. If games are not innovative because they have the same basic formula as other games, basically every single is not innovative because they are already a part of genres that use them. SSBB has a fully fleshed out single player, and a more branched out multiplayer. While it is not taking it in a new direction (if it ain't broke, don't fix it), it is refined enough to be considered innovation. I would also say this to MP:3 and SMG, but not the othes because a new control does not always mean innovation.

Second, that is opinion. You will not open your mind but will stick with your elitist attitude so you think innovation other than graphics is not good innovation at all.

Third, we did not say graphics did not matter, we said gameplay is more important. Graphics play a significant role, too. We all have, to varying degrees, our opinions on graphics. We may like cartoonish, or realism. And where do we contradict ourselves? We may not like the graphics, but they would not be such a major factor that the game is unplayable.


Reply with nice grammar. But if English is not your first language, I will accept it.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

No. Although i have always been a nintendo fanboy with a few sega playing bouts along the way. I have also owned a 360 and currently a PS3 alongside my wii, I have enjoyed all the consoles. Each has a a place for different gamers and I would not like to see any of them fail.


"Because of this, it often suprises me that Nintendo fans enjoy seeing the PS360 consoles fall; consoles which are entirely tailored and aimed at the hardcore gaming audience." - Taken from OP. I'm far too lazy to quote.

Let's take a look at some sub aims here:

Microsoft wanted into the living room to obtain a spot in that marketplace, as an entertainment controller. Gaming just happened to be that trojan horse, and the results have been underwhelming. I call a 6 billion dollar loss underwhelming, others would use the phrase catastrophic, but one of their sub goals, digital TV distribution, seems to be kicking in right about now. Maybe that will help. That's a huge part of their gamble.

Sony wanted to push Blu-Ray like the fucking moon. Not just like the moon, but the fucking moon, the one that's a nonstop orgy. It's beat HD-DVD, let's hope that it doesn't lose any momentum.

Nintendo wanted innovations in gaming and an expansion of who games and what that means. No DVD, no digital distribution. Of course, let's not bullshit anyone. Weather channel, TV channel, data collection? They wanted the market info, and they are PAINFULLY getting it with 0 effort. The Japanese TV guide for example is moderately sickening to me. The other side of this is of course the other two track this as best they can as well, but that's no excuse.

So, wait, which company was the one pushing for gaming? I'm completely fucking confused here. Sony and Microsoft definately have brought value, but to insinuate that they are specifically tailored at no one but the gaming audience is actually retarded, if you're paying attention. Only Nintendo aimed at creating more gamers, but have fallen to a nice pile of bullshit.

Maybe I just want games without the bullshit. Maybe thats why I want some aspects to fail. This has not been a generation for the non bullshit gamer.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

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MontanaHatchet said:
Soriku said:

Also, the Wii isn't hurting the PS3/360 at all. It's just not many people have interest in an HD console. Just look at Japan. The 360 has a bunch of RPGs, and the PS3 has a bunch of games that appeal to the Japanese already out. They haven't done much. It's because they just don't have interest in HD consoles.

As for the DS, I can't believe you just said what you did. Are you seriously implying that the majority of the games on the DS aren't casual? As if we could even define the word these days, it really doesn't take much to look at a game like Imagine: Babies and see the kind of things developers have in mind for the DS. Hell, for every The World Ends With You, we're getting 20 puppy games. And the trend has already shown itself in the Wii, just look at some of the games that came out during holiday season 2007.

WTF is this? Are you throwing down the gauntlet and asking for a game of "list warz"?


I personally would think no 1 wants any consle to fail i mean we are all part of the gaming community

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

SDF say the Nintendo Wii is competing against the PS2 but the Wii happens to be in the current console generation of both PS3 and 360.

Shameless said:

Let's get one thing straight before I begin - everyone on this forum should be a hardcore gamer. There are no two ways about it.

Because of this, it often suprises me that Nintendo fans enjoy seeing the PS360 consoles fall; consoles which are entirely tailored and aimed at the hardcore gaming audience. The success of the Wii will mean that all console developers will spend a lot more time and money on the casual gaming audience and where does that leave us?

From what I can see of this generation, gaming will cease to be a hardcore form of entertainment. We'll still have hardcore games in the future but they're likely to be lower budget and less innovative.

As far as I can see, our preferred form of entertainment will go down the shitter as it becomes less and less profitable to make hardcore games. The success of the HD consoles is extremely likely to be the deciding factor on what the state of gaming will be in the next gen.

 I'm a Nintendo fan, and I enjoy seeing the success of the Wii - I loved my gamecube, but it got so little shelf space in game stores. So yes, I'm glad the Wii is outselling the other consoles.


However I disagree with alot of things in your post

I don't think the Wii's success is the downfall of HD consoles in general. I don't even think it'll be the downfall of the 360 and the PS3.

There are alot of hardcore games being announced for the Wii at the moment, just click on Nintendo discussion


Also, Nintendo is bringing in alot more gamers with their console, and they are making gaming more socially acceptable. I see it as inevitable that many of these gamers will becoming increasingly hardcore in their gaming habbits

Rock_on_2008 said:
SDF say the Nintendo Wii is competing against the PS2 but the Wii happens to be in the current console generation of both PS3 and 360.

I don't know why, but this statement puts me in a hug giving mood.


So who wants one?!