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Shameless said:

Let's get one thing straight before I begin - everyone on this forum should be a hardcore gamer. There are no two ways about it.

Because of this, it often suprises me that Nintendo fans enjoy seeing the PS360 consoles fall; consoles which are entirely tailored and aimed at the hardcore gaming audience. The success of the Wii will mean that all console developers will spend a lot more time and money on the casual gaming audience and where does that leave us?

From what I can see of this generation, gaming will cease to be a hardcore form of entertainment. We'll still have hardcore games in the future but they're likely to be lower budget and less innovative.

As far as I can see, our preferred form of entertainment will go down the shitter as it becomes less and less profitable to make hardcore games. The success of the HD consoles is extremely likely to be the deciding factor on what the state of gaming will be in the next gen.

 I'm a Nintendo fan, and I enjoy seeing the success of the Wii - I loved my gamecube, but it got so little shelf space in game stores. So yes, I'm glad the Wii is outselling the other consoles.


However I disagree with alot of things in your post

I don't think the Wii's success is the downfall of HD consoles in general. I don't even think it'll be the downfall of the 360 and the PS3.

There are alot of hardcore games being announced for the Wii at the moment, just click on Nintendo discussion


Also, Nintendo is bringing in alot more gamers with their console, and they are making gaming more socially acceptable. I see it as inevitable that many of these gamers will becoming increasingly hardcore in their gaming habbits