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MontanaHatchet said:
Soriku said:

Also, the Wii isn't hurting the PS3/360 at all. It's just not many people have interest in an HD console. Just look at Japan. The 360 has a bunch of RPGs, and the PS3 has a bunch of games that appeal to the Japanese already out. They haven't done much. It's because they just don't have interest in HD consoles.

As for the DS, I can't believe you just said what you did. Are you seriously implying that the majority of the games on the DS aren't casual? As if we could even define the word these days, it really doesn't take much to look at a game like Imagine: Babies and see the kind of things developers have in mind for the DS. Hell, for every The World Ends With You, we're getting 20 puppy games. And the trend has already shown itself in the Wii, just look at some of the games that came out during holiday season 2007.

WTF is this? Are you throwing down the gauntlet and asking for a game of "list warz"?