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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What are some of the badly reviewed games that you've liked/loved?

I was wondering, with all the focus on review scores. What are the games that the critics dismissed but really caught your attention. Im talking about games that could be under 60% or 70% review scores. There are games that score highly that I hate - GOW and Assassins Creed and there are a few games that I see flaws in but are fun to play!

 I liked Sonic the Hedgehog : 43%

I quite liked Genji - Days of the Blade : 55%

Untold legends - Dark kingdoms : 58% - If it wasn't so damn long I would have loved it. Short and sweet would have made this game good for me.

Edit: House of the Dead 3 on PC -  55% LOVED that game haha

I have an excuse for this! I have a 60gb launch PS3 and THOSE were dark times indeed. I had to FIND something to play. I didn't even look at reviews because I was scared that they might be low and I would be put off.

What are some low scoring games that for you were much more fun than the reviews indicated? Also did you think the reviews got it wrong?


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Some I could think off the top of my head...

Fear Files expansion pack 360 66% - I loved it
House of the dead 2/3 wii - 66% - I find this more fun than mario galaxy

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

It's one of the top 5 best games of this gen. It deserves at least 10 points more average.

Kid Icarus VC. Even though I'll probably never make it to lvl 1-3, the game is awesome, and deserves much more praise than it already has.

Wii Play. Actually a fun game, tanks multiplayer is priceless.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Shadow the Hedgehog.

Holy fuck was that game picked on. It wasn't THAT bad.

By life end:

  • Wii- 100 million+
  • Xbox360- 35~40 million
  • PS3- 30 million
  • PSP- 30~32 million ------------- FAILURE
  • NDS- 85~90 million (Skeptical)  - FAILURE
  • NDS- 100 million+ (Optimistic) -- Success!



Loved house of the dead and yea tanks is an awesome game on the Wii!


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Assassin's Creed.

A lot of people hated the game, but I liked the ability to be a perfectionist, and the open-ended Sandbox feel and endless cool battle animations just made the game so addictive to play. And it was pretty to look at too!



Shadow)OS said:
Shadow the Hedgehog.

Holy fuck was that game picked on. It wasn't THAT bad.

I actually played this yesterday for the first time...

While you can tell the game has lots of flaws and isnt finished in some areas...its actually pretty fun. 

LAIR, it wasnt that bad.

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Dark Messiah of Might & Magic
Sly Raccoon games

Kirby Air Ride. I used to play that with neighbors more than SSBM.