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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - GTA exclusive content (possibly) revealed: San Andreas, anyone!?!?

Guys, Starcraft is RIGHT. If this game was designed to use DLC - and it is - it is almost certainly capable of using all the textures and models from the disc based version of the game.

Depending *what* the new area is (and how big it is), it could take as little as 200MB - and top at any size you want.

If T2 wanted the content to be bigger (say 5Gig, rather than 2Gig) - I doubt MS would complain at all. It means more content, which is the real selling point. It just means its easier for MS to rub Sony's nose in it.

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Phoenix_Wiight said:
itll be either huge or hugley pointless, since everyone who bought GTA4 already has san andreas

 GTA4 is in the same city as GTA3, people clearly are still buying it,  i'm pretty sure the same will apply to a san andreas xtension

If the content on the disk is used it wont be a massive dl. The business model is vary viable. They have less expenses per sale and the huge sales of the call of duty 4 map pack point to it being extremely viable by the time it hits live. The map pack sold something like a million times in 9 days. Consider that GTA 4 will significantly increase xbox live membership and you've got DLC that will make a lot of money, sell very well, be less expensive to distribute and not an overly huge file.

Deviation59 said:
starcraft said:
To all those saying this would take up enormous amounts of HDD space, think about the following:

-Liberty City fits on one disk (usable space varies according to reports, but it could be as little as 7GB).
-That 7GB INCLUDES textures, game engine, physics engine etc.
-The DLC would NOT need to textures, game engine or physics engine as these could all be run off the disk.
-DLC would probably run even better than the original incomplete experience, as it would stream quicker from the HDD.

Therefore, you should expect DLC to be no less than 2GB, but no more than 4GB.
The shit you can pull out of your ass is simply stunning. Truly, it's amazing.


 I dont see whats wrong with what Starcraft said. A new island will use the same game engine and graphics. Think somewhere between Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles for Oblivion. Anyone downloaded these and remember how big they were?

its possible if its online only it could be a few megs (cod4) i dont think its a map tho i think a few more missions since MS said messured in hours who would get bored of sa in 20 hours? its also alot of work too make SA since its bigger than LC hmm i cant wait till thay say what it is i hope thay say at E3

mgs4 will sell 2.4m week 1


others: 1m


AAA (90%+) games (metacritic):


Xbox: 42

playstation: 98

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eNamrah said:
Reasonable said:
I know MS put up $50 M but I find it hard to believe the DLC would be anywhere near this - plus I thought MS had pretty small size limits on DLC from recent comments from developers struggling with the limitation... what does that implay? Will the DLC need to be small enough or will MS annoy other developers by suiting itself and letting Rockstar have larger DLC limit than others?

The size limits are for xbla games, not dlc. You can already download xbox originals and some of those games are 5+ gigs.

Ah.  Didn't realise it was only for XBLA games.  So there is essentially no limit on DLC size in principle?


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

in vice city storys there is a bill board for a plane too SA or liberty city i forgot

mgs4 will sell 2.4m week 1


others: 1m


AAA (90%+) games (metacritic):


Xbox: 42

playstation: 98

Knights of the Nine ~200MB
Shivering Isles ~1.4GB

Anything more and it will be almost an entire new game (i.e. new city). I think it will be around 1GB each and be 10 hours (4-5 new NPCs on a new island travelled by airplane, much like portal in Shivering Isles) added for each episode.

Let's hope the DLC was well worth MS $50 million dollars.

My first thought was that it would be an emulation of GTA: III, VC or SA playable in an arcade or something. Probably a stupid thing to do, but it would be so cool. So. Cool.

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