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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Interview w/MS's Aaron Greenberg

where are the 1080p AND 60 fps?.. still waiting..

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@jrix -> check out GT 5 Prologue. It's 1080P w/ 60 fps.
Someone needs to give Scott a hug.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



This is all accurate this is what i have been trying to tell people.Sony is plain screwing the consumer.Even there ten year console plan is a load of bull.There slowly weeding this gen out throwing bull everyones way waiting for 5 years to end to throw a ps4 on everyone.

Hoping to learn from there mistakes i see a sega future for sony.

I've seen sony pull this since the PS2 era when I sold my Dreamcast for a PS2 in 2001 and then begged the DC to take me back 3 months later...

Hes just stating the obvious.

Thats exactly what happened to me lol.I went right back to dc about a month after my ps2 purchase.I think the ps2 is still in my basement.

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I about laughed when he started talking about KZ2...It will be very ironic if the X360 has Gears 1 & 2 out before KZ2 is out. By the time KZ2 comes out, I don't think anyone is really going to care (merely because Resistance 2 will be out).

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

I dont think anyone will care anyway.GOW2 Is going to go on for months be a number one online game.Sony fans will be turning there xboxs back on.Then when killzone2 hits it will all be but forgotten.

As long as sony keeps trying to throw triple a titles out ms will continue to 1 up them.

This is otherwise pretty decent as far as PR goes, but he sure does conveniently forget about the Wii. And don't tell me it doesn't compete with the 360, because it does. The fact that people who would never buy a 360 are buying a Wii doesn't do anything to the fact that a lot of people who'd like both can only afford one, or how developers can only make so many games at a time.

Then again, the interviewer only mentions the Wii too, so maybe I'm barking at the wrong tree.

I liked this interview because he didn't change the subject or jump to the revenue leader crap. He mainly put things into perspective and he is right. Right now Sony has some momentum but a few missteps or a couple of AAA games turn out to be duds and it's 3rd place for the rest of this gen.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.




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