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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Arcade console £139.99, Core console + 3 games and extra controller £149.99

Here in Germany you can get the XBOX for the regular price (199 €, 269 €, 369 €) and GTA for free! (But this offer will only last till 05.03.)

On you will get even more for your money (HD-DVD player and 3 months of XBOX-live)

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soon, in france, the 7th may :

Arcade+2 controller+Halo3+PGR4+GTA4

= 209 euros ...


Time to Work !

That is 1 tempting offer.


If some of these bundles don't sell I don't know what Microsoft should do.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


libellule said:
soon, in france, the 7th may :

Arcade+2 controller+Halo3+PGR4+GTA4

= 209 euros ...


 Which site's that on?

Around the Network

Those are crazy offers..

not a bad deal, i recetnly bought an arcade for £179 that came with arcade unplugged and lost oddessy from GAME

the offer above that ferrit1603 listed "20gig console, an extra wireless controller, GTA4 and Halo 3 for £228.91." is a good deal although an added wireless adapter £69 and a plug and charge £15 and £39.99 live charge it racks it up to £352.91 which is really expensive and if you did want to watch HD movies you can pick up a HD player for £49.99 which would bring up the cost to £402.90

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Million said:
WOW that's amazing.

The day MS fix RROD i'll buy a 360 right away with gears of war.

So you won't buy a 360 because you don't want to be without it for a month tops? I am not seeing the logic here. Never having it is worse than not having it briefly.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

It's more the reluctance to buy a product that is "likely" to fail. I've been told it's more a European attitude than an American one, we expect our products to last. If a company can't make a high quality product that's fit for purpose they don't deserve our money. And then there's the likelihood that it'll fail after 3 years...

And then there's the likelihood that it'll fail after 3 years...

Exactly besides I am lazy . When I buy a console I somehow do not like an almost guarantee at buy that sometimes in the first 1-2 years I have to call MS get a box package everything, send it away, wait a month, receive the repaired one but am not there myself, get to the post office to fetch it, unpackage it, set everything up, redownload games ... Somehow this is no attractive proposition. So many people accepting this kind of treatment makes me wonder less that American firms do not produce much anymore. (Once drove a Ford urgh)

That being said the moment there is cheap bundle with a revised 360, HAlo3 and Mass Effects I will bite.