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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which Console Combo Do You Prefer?


Which combo do you prefer?

PS2, Wii, XOne 4 12.90%
PS3, Switch, Xbox 16 51.61%
PS4, GCN, Xbox Series 3 9.68%
PS5, WiiU, Xbox 360 8 25.81%

Option 1 - Ps2, awesome as it is, cant carry alone, Wii is ok, XOne is mid.
Option 2 - Switch is great, Ps3 is ok with some good games, dont care much for OG Xbox at all.
Option 3 - Ps4 is great, XseriesX is okay, GC is ewww.
Option 4 - Ps5 is great, 360 is good and its the best Xbox imo, and WiiU might be mid but it does have a couple of noticeable standout games in its library.

Gotta go option 4.

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