Over the last 30 years, Sony have released seven video game systems; of these, which do you think is the best, and what is your argument for why it deserves the top spot over all the others?
I think the best is... | |||
PS1 | 6 | 13.95% | |
PS2 | 16 | 37.21% | |
PS3 | 5 | 11.63% | |
PS4 | 12 | 27.91% | |
PS5 | 4 | 9.30% | |
PSP | 0 | 0% | |
Vita | 0 | 0% | |
Total: | 43 |
Over the last 30 years, Sony have released seven video game systems; of these, which do you think is the best, and what is your argument for why it deserves the top spot over all the others?
The launch phat PS3. Natively able to play every single PlayStation home console game from 1994-2013!
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind
I voted PS1, but I already take it back. While PS1 I have more affinity for than PS2. I am getting more into PS2 stuff. Sure a lot of it's culture-era stuff aged worse to me than PS1(your Freekstyles, BMX XXX, NBA Ballers, March Echo, just that early 2000s horrible culture era specific games). It can play PS1 games along with PS2. PS2 gave birth to some series and had great entries to longer-running ones..as well as some of the worst in others. Despite that we got new IPs that invented a new subgenre like DMC and Dynasty Warriors 2. 4000+ PS2 games on top of another 4000+ of PS1 games. No system has a larger combined library aside from PC. Not sure if this counts, but with the adapter, I have to use Dualsense on PS2 instead of the awful DS2 controller helps a lot as well. So, despite insta-voting PS1, I was wrong. It's the PS2.
PS4…though ive never played anything from PS1/2/3/Vita/Portable. (At what point am I no longer qualified to vote?)
My favorite is probably the PS1. The best is probably PS2.
PS1/early 3D was a revolution, whereas the PS2 gen to me was the last massive evolution that kept dropping my jaw over and over again. They launched at the perfect time as far as technological advancements.
Their libraries are also better to me than all consoles that succeeded them based on what I played and watched, not counting late ports/remasters/backwards compatibility. Gaming was just purer and fresher in my opinion. The lack of or limited internet access only made it more intimate, wondrous, and fun.
1 or 3.
They both have a handful of my all-time favorites. About the same amount even. Both are ways above 4 for me in any case, and I never had 2. Not planning on ever getting 5 because there hasn’t been a single thing that looks interesting to me. PSP had the same problem, and I never got that either. Vita I do have, but it’s a non-factor as my library for it tallies up to a total of two games.
So 1 or 3, and I’ll vote for PS1, because my favorites there rank just a bit higher on average than those from 3.
Playstation 4. Just a ton of great games and the DS4 is probably my favorite PS controller.
It depends. If I were to include Custom Firmwares, it is easily the PSP Go for me with the ability to play Retro games from Nintendo. If we're talking solely about the consoles as intended by the manufacturer, my vote goes to the PS3. That thing was a technical miracle and it was also the time when Sony's first party studios really outdid themselves.
Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.
PS1 was my favourite. It probably didn't have the best library out of all the Playstations but I grew up playing the PS1 with my friends. We would play the same new released games and talk about it at school every morning. Also spent quality time together playing a lot of multiplayer games on the weekend and after school. It was joyful and haven't had that same feeling again playing video games
PS2. The library is so diverse and there's so much quality there, especially in the formative space in 3D design when the basics were nailed down with N64/PS1 era but budget was not a chokehold like it was starting with the HD era. Genre defining games, innovative titles and polished sequels.
I would say the only 2 things going against it is the drive problems and that it was apparently not so easy to develop for. But disc and drive problems also plague other Playstation hardware and the latter did not stop devs from churning out tons of great games, these count for less when comparing to other PS hardware.