I voted PS1, but I already take it back. While PS1 I have more affinity for than PS2. I am getting more into PS2 stuff. Sure a lot of it's culture-era stuff aged worse to me than PS1(your Freekstyles, BMX XXX, NBA Ballers, March Echo, just that early 2000s horrible culture era specific games). It can play PS1 games along with PS2. PS2 gave birth to some series and had great entries to longer-running ones..as well as some of the worst in others. Despite that we got new IPs that invented a new subgenre like DMC and Dynasty Warriors 2. 4000+ PS2 games on top of another 4000+ of PS1 games. No system has a larger combined library aside from PC. Not sure if this counts, but with the adapter, I have to use Dualsense on PS2 instead of the awful DS2 controller helps a lot as well. So, despite insta-voting PS1, I was wrong. It's the PS2.