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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony State of play 12th Feb... Now.


SoP rating...

S tier 1 2.27%
A tier 4 9.09%
B tier 12 27.27%
C tier 9 20.45%
D tier 2 4.55%
E tier 7 15.91%
F tier 7 15.91%
No opinion. 2 4.55%

There was a new first party game that sounds like a sequel to a pretty good game, so on that front, nice.
A new digimon game, always good to see as well.
But mostly just updates to already announced games or new content to already released games. A few of them were nice, specially getting the first look on the new Sonic racing game, but it was mostly not really fun.
Feels like a C tier, but I think the new game at the end bumped it to the B tier.

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Started out great with Shinobi. Lost Souls Aside. Digimon. Onimusha. Rest of it was a wet fart.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

It had Lies of P DLC, Returnal 2, that Souls Stranding game, and Goddess of War. I'm pretty satisfied with it.






felt a whole lot like a Sony Partner Showcase than a Sony Presentation…unless that’s what State of Play is supposed to be? idk im talking as somebody who expects Nintendo Direct quality.

Midnight Walk for the art style (liked Lost in Random from same folks) and Darwin's Paradox (one with the octopus, feels like light-hearted Inside).

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Underwhelming. Sony have really had a weak generation in comparison to their previous consoles.

firebush03 said:

felt a whole lot like a Sony Partner Showcase than a Sony Presentation…unless that’s what State of Play is supposed to be? idk im talking as somebody who expects Nintendo Direct quality.

States of Play in general are usually filled with third party games. The rest of their shows too since they dont really like to show their games. They could have made a small Ghost of Yotei or Wolverine trailer. They opted to not do that.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

Decent to good showing. C or B tier.

People take these things far too seriously, like they are going to make or break the console. It's just a little marketing for what is coming next, that's all. Some will find something interesting in there, others won't.
Having said that, it's pretty obvious that Sony has wasted this generation chasing their MMO pipe dreams and the PS5 is a desert when it come to good first party stuff.
It's just stupid and sad. The PS6 is going to be out before we get properly back on track.

Was expecting more from PS first party studios. But to be fair, after all the live service cancellations their games must be years off