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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony and Nintendo are in competition. But are they really?

Hardstuck-Platinum said:

Definitely not competing. It's just what everyone on this website tells themselves for some reason or another. Who knows. Saying the Switch is competing with PS5 is like saying a WW2 british spitfire plane is competing with an F-35 fighter jet. makes no sense

Yeah, none of the companies are competing against each other anymore and that is completely fine.

The only reason why people on here keeps telling themselves that is because they want their favorite company to be at top and consider the other companies as "enemies" like some tribal culture phenomenon - its the nature of the website too, since its focused on sales which at this point majority of people who consume video games dont even care to begin with.

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Hardstuck-Platinum said:
Qwark said:

I would argue Nintendo absolutely crushes Sony on the parameters that matter. Software sales, brand strength and profit. On these aspects Sony can't hold a candle to Nintendo. In that regard Nintendo is a Giant brown bear and Sony a small black bear. Technically they compete but one is so dominant that it is not bothered by the other.

Sony just sold 4 million PS5's in November alone. What are you talking about when saying Nintendo is crushing Sony? The numbers don't back you up

I do hope a console in its peak outsells an 8 years old handheld thats about to be replaced! Anything else would be embarrasing! Also like Liqid Laser correctly said, if Sony is loosing, the winner is no competition. Yes they sold 4 million in a month thats amazing but you have to see the whole picture not a part of the puzzle. A soccer team can score some nice goals and lead 4:0. They can have the top record goal scorer worldwide. But if the other team then shoots 5 more goals they lost 4:5. It does not matter if they where leading 4:0 in the first half or if their players are more handsome than the others or anything else. They lost.  The Switch will finish anywhere between 155- 160 million units maybe even more. The Wii was market leading in gen 7. You say they are no competition for Sony. Ok. Then please enlighten me why the hell they brought move?! Why the hell MS brought Kinect? Because they are not competing? It was a reaction on the Wii! Without the Wii Move or Kinect would have not existed! At least not in gen 7. Why was Sony always ajusting up their PS2 numbers?! A system descontinued 12 years ago?! It has nothing to do with the fact that the Switch gets damn close to that 159 million consoles?! And they wanted to make it seem that they would be Nr.1 for all eternity!  Why not announce it when the WiiU was failing? Short answer: BECAUSE SONY SEES NINTENDO AS DIRECT COMPETITION!! If it was not, why copy the Wii controlls and trying to pump up numbers of a 25 years old console?

Last edited by killer7 - on 23 January 2025

I'm gonna say Nintendo and Sony are in competition. Nintendo and Microsoft not so much anymore.

BasilZero said:
Hardstuck-Platinum said:

Definitely not competing. It's just what everyone on this website tells themselves for some reason or another. Who knows. Saying the Switch is competing with PS5 is like saying a WW2 british spitfire plane is competing with an F-35 fighter jet. makes no sense

Yeah, none of the companies are competing against each other anymore and that is completely fine.

The only reason why people on here keeps telling themselves that is because they want their favorite company to be at top and consider the other companies as "enemies" like some tribal culture phenomenon - its the nature of the website too, since its focused on sales which at this point majority of people who consume video games dont even care to begin with.

You got the right spirit, but i think you are confused... You wouldnt be agreeing with him at all lol



We reap what we sow

160rmf said:
BasilZero said:

Yeah, none of the companies are competing against each other anymore and that is completely fine.

The only reason why people on here keeps telling themselves that is because they want their favorite company to be at top and consider the other companies as "enemies" like some tribal culture phenomenon - its the nature of the website too, since its focused on sales which at this point majority of people who consume video games dont even care to begin with.

You got the right spirit, but i think you are confused... You wouldnt be agreeing with him at all lol

I just much prefer Nintendo. It has more interesting and likable characters. Sony used to be like that, but they abandoned Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon in favor of bleak interactive movies about mushroom zombies, and some angry bald douchebag covered in the ashes of his dead family in a world where there are practically no good people. I've had to put up with enough cynical fuckery in real life, especially this decade, I don't need shit like that in video games.

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CaptainExplosion said:
160rmf said:

You got the right spirit, but i think you are confused... You wouldnt be agreeing with him at all lol

I just much prefer Nintendo. It has more interesting and likable characters. Sony used to be like that, but they abandoned Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon in favor of bleak interactive movies about mushroom zombies, and some angry bald douchebag covered in the ashes of his dead family in a world where there are practically no good people. I've had to put up with enough cynical fuckery in real life, especially this decade, I don't need shit like that in video games.

I always wondered why Sony didn't buy the Crash and Spyro IPs from Universal. I mean, they did replace them the following generation with Jak, Ratchet, and Sly, which they did own outright, but only Ratchet and Clank survives today. And even Infamous and Resistance have been replaced with Ghosts of Tsushima/Yotei and Spider-Man.

SanAndreasX said:
CaptainExplosion said:

I just much prefer Nintendo. It has more interesting and likable characters. Sony used to be like that, but they abandoned Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon in favor of bleak interactive movies about mushroom zombies, and some angry bald douchebag covered in the ashes of his dead family in a world where there are practically no good people. I've had to put up with enough cynical fuckery in real life, especially this decade, I don't need shit like that in video games.

I always wondered why Sony didn't buy the Crash and Spyro IPs from Universal. I mean, they did replace them the following generation with Jak, Ratchet, and Sly, which they did own outright, but only Ratchet and Clank survives today. And even Infamous and Resistance have been replaced with Ghosts of Tsushima/Yotei and Spider-Man.

All of Sony's modern IPs (besides Astro Bot and Ratchet & Clank) are so realistic that they've become generic.

CaptainExplosion said:
SanAndreasX said:

I always wondered why Sony didn't buy the Crash and Spyro IPs from Universal. I mean, they did replace them the following generation with Jak, Ratchet, and Sly, which they did own outright, but only Ratchet and Clank survives today. And even Infamous and Resistance have been replaced with Ghosts of Tsushima/Yotei and Spider-Man.

All of Sony's modern IPs (besides Astro Bot and Ratchet & Clank) are so realistic that they've become generic.

They're showpieces for Sony's graphical prowess and meant to sell PlayStations. They aren't my cup of tea, but they do sell well. 

SanAndreasX said:
CaptainExplosion said:

All of Sony's modern IPs (besides Astro Bot and Ratchet & Clank) are so realistic that they've become generic.

They're showpieces for Sony's graphical prowess and meant to sell PlayStations. They aren't my cup of tea, but they do sell well. 

Well they sure don't sell to me. Fretting over graphics does nothing but give me a headache.

Hardstuck-Platinum said:
Qwark said:

Where did I say hardware numbers, in which PS5 islaunch aligned still both behind PS4 and quite a bit behind Switch.

Playstation has zero IP's on the level of Mario and Pokémon. Nintendo sells way more software than Playstation and makes a lot more profit. Especially since their games tend to be sold for 60 euro for a long time.

In what way is Sony being able to compete with Nintendo. 

It makes sense to say Switch or PS5 is crushing Xbox because they are but, saying Switch is crushing PS5 is crazy and delusional. It's also very strange to just disregard selling 4 million consoles in a month alone like it's nothing and it's irrelevant. You have to sell the consoles to sell the games  

Sony had one good month due to have discounts after a price increase and most likely will not or only barely hit the 20 million mark this year even in spite of it. The Switch sold over 28 million units in its peak year and 24 million the year after. PS5 has and will not even come close to those numbers.

On the current trajectory the gap between Switch and PS5 will end up greater than 40 million. Hell Switch is on track to sell more than Xbox series and PlayStation 5 combined. I would argue that's the very definition of crushing. Mario Kart 8 DX also sold much more than any Playstation game could hope to sell.

In which way is Nintendo not absolutely crushing Sony?

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar