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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Long running series that need a refresh/new blood

killer7 said:

Smash was amazing with its wide varity of charakters. Give me Smash in 4k/60FPS- likley it will be anyway (3DS- 240p, even the WiiU runs Smash at 1080p/60FPS, also the Switch), its highly unlikley Smash won't max out the Switch 2 as it is able to do 4k in docked mode. Personally i only game in Handheld mode so 1080p/60FPS is fine for me and thats what it will be.
Interesting will be the question if Switch 2 is compatible with Amiibo. But i have a sort of feeling they gave up on them. Last year had what? 7 amiibo or so released?

I've read reports that the right joycon has a NFC reader in it, which suggests Amiibo support. There's a not insignificant amount of content in Switch games that's locked behind Amiibo, so that would work with the BC they're promising. The toys-to-life fad has passed, so Amiibo won't be as big of a deal with Switch 2, but it looks like some vestigial support will remain.

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SanAndreasX said:
killer7 said:

Smash was amazing with its wide varity of charakters. Give me Smash in 4k/60FPS- likley it will be anyway (3DS- 240p, even the WiiU runs Smash at 1080p/60FPS, also the Switch), its highly unlikley Smash won't max out the Switch 2 as it is able to do 4k in docked mode. Personally i only game in Handheld mode so 1080p/60FPS is fine for me and thats what it will be.
Interesting will be the question if Switch 2 is compatible with Amiibo. But i have a sort of feeling they gave up on them. Last year had what? 7 amiibo or so released?

I've read reports that the right joycon has a NFC reader in it, which suggests Amiibo support. There's a not insignificant amount of content in Switch games that's locked behind Amiibo, so that would work with the BC they're promising. The toys-to-life fad has passed, so Amiibo won't be as big of a deal with Switch 2, but it looks like some vestigial support will remain.

Interesting. Where did you read that? The only thing thats sure for the Joy Con 2 will be that it has some kind of rumble (HD Rumble 2?) inside.

Off Topic: I wonder if the Joy Con's name is inspired a bit by Namco. When we remember "NeGCon", or especially "JoGCon" (the one with a force feedback wheel on the controller) there are a few paralles or is it coincidence?

I have never seen a videogame series go so backwards as Smash Bros. Story mode has been missing since Brawl. Without it, Smash 4 and Ultimate felt distinctly lacking in terms of content, no matter how many characters and stages they threw at it.

For the next game, they should bring back story mode and create a new adventure with the roster of the new game.

As for other series...Kirby should really think about making some renovations. Doing the same it has always done but in some light-contained 3D is not cutting it for me.

Final Fantasy :P

Growing up its portrayal of Fantasy and breadth of cast felt ground breaking and bold. Now it feel relatively cliche. Playing through VII Rebirth it feels cheesy and a fair bit too anime-esque to carry the same prestige that made Franchise what it was in the late 90s/early 2000s. 

Squares approach is lowkey reflected in how they subtly redesigned Yuna & tidus in the FFX Remasters. The top images reflect the original vision, the bottom are later more generic, less tangible characterisations. I loved FFXVI BTW but yeah it was one of the more generic entries, just think the series needs a whole rethought and restarted naming convention. 

Last edited by Otter - on 22 January 2025

I think final fantasy often tried change its formula.
It is a title where I hope that the next new numbered release will go back more to its roots with turn based combat. To be fair I liked both remakes of ff7 and I have not really played 15 or 16 yet besides the demo. I will definitely give one of then a try within the year

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Wman1996 said:

Super Smash Bros. needs at least a soft reboot. The roster is not sustainable. Some characters need to be cut, added, and some veterans need to be retooled.
Paper Mario needs to go back to the format of the first two games.

Ganon needs a massive retooling, as do Daisy, Lucas, Richter and Dark Samus.

The traditional fighting game reps might as well all be cut, not because they're bad characters (sans Kazuya), but because they're already from fighting games that are ongoing to this day, so it's not like cutting them will leave them with nowhere else to go. Plus them being cut can leave room for more diverse characters in their place.

Some Fire Emblem reps might as well be cut so that we're not overrun with swordfighters like before, but I'd keep Marth and Roy because they're more distinct from each other, Ike moreso, same with Robin, Corrin and Byleth. Chrom and Lucina are just too generic.

Dr. Mario should be relegated to just a costume for Mario, there's barely any difference between the two.

Cut Young Link because we've already got Toon Link now.

Cut Pichu because even in Ultimate it's a terrible character.

Cut Bayonetta because she's terrible.

Cut Joker because nobody even knew who he was outside Persona or even asked for him.

Cut Hero because he's just so fucking boring.

Cut Steve because he's an even worse pick than Hero.

Cut Sora because fuck Disney trying to buy everything.

I don't have the heart to cut anybody else.

As solid as the mechanics inherited from Tekken 5 are, I think Tekken needs a reboot with a new leadership. The story is a mess, combos are disgustingly long, and all the combat mechanics added from Tekken 6 onwards are bad or boring or both. Slowmo is cool but not exactly a combat mechanic lol.

Tekken with better writers and a Tekken 5-esque combat could get me back to the series.

Kyuu said:

As solid as the mechanics inherited from Tekken 5 are, I think Tekken needs a reboot with a new leadership. The story is a mess, combos are disgustingly long, and all the combat mechanics added from Tekken 6 onwards are bad or boring or both. Slowmo is cool but not exactly a combat mechanic lol.

Tekken with better writers and a Tekken 5-esque combat could get me back to the series.

I like Tekken. What we need is Tekken 9 and then Tekken Tag Tournament 3! But i think it should be PS5 exclusive! The PS(5) conttoller works best for fighting games (Xbox controller is a joke, PC lol, Switch not really). Bamco could focus on 1 single plattform and get the most out of it! I do not undertand why te game went multi... it was always close to perfect on Playstation. 

killer7 said:
Kyuu said:

As solid as the mechanics inherited from Tekken 5 are, I think Tekken needs a reboot with a new leadership. The story is a mess, combos are disgustingly long, and all the combat mechanics added from Tekken 6 onwards are bad or boring or both. Slowmo is cool but not exactly a combat mechanic lol.

Tekken with better writers and a Tekken 5-esque combat could get me back to the series.

I like Tekken. What we need is Tekken 9 and then Tekken Tag Tournament 3! But i think it should be PS5 exclusive! The PS(5) conttoller works best for fighting games (Xbox controller is a joke, PC lol, Switch not really). Bamco could focus on 1 single plattform and get the most out of it! I do not undertand why te game went multi... it was always close to perfect on Playstation. 

No, it should not be exclusive. Xbox right now has the best Dpad for fighting games as a default controller, not to mention third-party fighting game controllers for all platforms anyway. Not to mention arcade sticks.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:
killer7 said:

I like Tekken. What we need is Tekken 9 and then Tekken Tag Tournament 3! But i think it should be PS5 exclusive! The PS(5) conttoller works best for fighting games (Xbox controller is a joke, PC lol, Switch not really). Bamco could focus on 1 single plattform and get the most out of it! I do not undertand why te game went multi... it was always close to perfect on Playstation. 

No, it should not be exclusive. Xbox right now has the best Dpad for fighting games as a default controller, not to mention third-party fighting game controllers for all platforms anyway. Not to mention arcade sticks.

Arcade Sticks you can use anywhere but the Xbox Controller extremly sucks for fighting games. The PS Pad is more exact and does a better job. Also the button combinations are much easier to perform. I played at Tekken championship and can tell you that. But for shooters the Xbox pad is irreplacable.