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killer7 said:
Kyuu said:

As solid as the mechanics inherited from Tekken 5 are, I think Tekken needs a reboot with a new leadership. The story is a mess, combos are disgustingly long, and all the combat mechanics added from Tekken 6 onwards are bad or boring or both. Slowmo is cool but not exactly a combat mechanic lol.

Tekken with better writers and a Tekken 5-esque combat could get me back to the series.

I like Tekken. What we need is Tekken 9 and then Tekken Tag Tournament 3! But i think it should be PS5 exclusive! The PS(5) conttoller works best for fighting games (Xbox controller is a joke, PC lol, Switch not really). Bamco could focus on 1 single plattform and get the most out of it! I do not undertand why te game went multi... it was always close to perfect on Playstation. 

No, it should not be exclusive. Xbox right now has the best Dpad for fighting games as a default controller, not to mention third-party fighting game controllers for all platforms anyway. Not to mention arcade sticks.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!