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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gaming reaches its peak years every five years or so.


To see a world in a grain of sand and a...

robin red breast in a cage 0 0%
dog starved at it's masters gate 0 0%
heaven in a wildflower 3 50.00%
fiber from the brain does tear 0 0%
Wha....? 3 50.00%

My memory doesn't work by calendar years and I'm too lazy to google what came out in which year.
So I'll just leave this stupid comment which adds nothing of value.

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Dante9 said:

My memory doesn't work by calendar years and I'm too lazy to google what came out in which year.
So I'll just leave this stupid comment which adds nothing of value.

Do uou remember the years of your GOTYs? I can rember all them back to 2013. Permalite just blew my mind though, he remembers the best month in gaming. 

Pemalite said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Yeah, somehow I knew '98 would be your year. 2007's a great year, I'll add in the Orange box bringing Half Life 2 and the episodes to console and some really underrated games life Def Jam, The Darkness and Heavenly sword. Indeed it was a 10/10 year. Yet so few enjoyed it that actual year as people hadn't made the jump in masses from the 8th gen yet, there was a brief period back then when I'd skip school to play Modern Warfare or Heavenly Sword or end a day "sick" and nearly lost the part time job that allowed me to buy the ps3 and a HDTV in the first place. As good as 2005 was, I think as soon as the ps3 was released in 2007 and into 2008 was the best stretch of that decade even though stuff like Uncharted weren't actually all that great in hindsight as there sequels will show. 

November 2004 was probably the best -month- in gaming with bangers like: Counter-Strike: Source, Killzone, Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal, Halo 2, Half-Life 2, Jak 3, Need For Speed: Underground 2, Metroid Prime 2, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, Spider-Man 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, and World of Warcraft... And actual more.

That's wild that you remember the best month, that indeed is a very good month. I think, maybe 2007, the month the ps3 launched in Europe was the best month I can remember bit that's cause of a lot of stuff had piled up that had already released in Japan. Stuff like Resistence Fall of Man, Fight Night Round 3, Motorstorm, Def Jam, Ridge Racer 7, two other fighting games, I think Tekken and something else and some other small stuff but yeah, nothing that compares to November 2004.