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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What will be the new gimmick of MK9?

You would have to shout mario phrases into your controller

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Mar1217 said:
Leynos said:

MK8 had Zelda, Splatoon. F-Zero. Animal Crossing racers and tracks.

And that's perfectly enough for what it should be, an add-on. It can't become the sole focus of the experience.

You mean the crossover content, right? Not the new game itself?

Looking closely it seems like the 'wonder seed' is more like a fast food paper package (which would fit with its position on the track) so I'm wondering what that's for.






I hope the roster is cleaned up so that we can use the spaces take by Baby Peach, Baby Daisy, Baby Rosalina, Dry Bowser, Metal Mario, Tanuki Mario, Gold Mario, Pink Gold Peach, Cat Peach and Peachette for better characters.

The idea of changing stages temporarily mid-race sounds pretty fun, but as someone else said, mostly make sense in a Wonder themed track, not the whole game.

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BraLoD said:

The idea of changing stages temporarily mid-race sounds pretty fun, but as someone else said, mostly make sense in a Wonder themed track, not the whole game.

If Nintendo were to do a rift apart in showing the new SSD read speed they would not limit it to one stage. Make an entire game to show off new hardware. Always been their thing. Unless they have a different launch game in mind. An existing IP or new IP does that.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

CaptainExplosion said:

I hope the roster is cleaned up so that we can use the spaces take by Baby Peach, Baby Daisy, Baby Rosalina, Dry Bowser, Metal Mario, Tanuki Mario, Gold Mario, Pink Gold Peach, Cat Peach and Peachette for better characters.

Yeah they can definitely get rid of some of the duplicate characters and add Samus, Zelda, Ganon, Fox, Captain Falcon, Kirby, Pikachu, Pit. And add an extra course for each of those characters.

For courses I'd like to see 12 new non-Mario courses to go along with the characters, ie: splatoon, animal crossing, metroid, maybe three zelda tracks, star fox, couple fzero tracks, kirby, pokemon, kid icarus, 24 new mario courses (including one whole Wonder Cup if the wonder seed is gonna be a thing), and 12 retro ones.

And then have one new item in the game for each non-Mario IP included (splat, ac, metr, zelda, sf, fzero, kirby, pok, kid icarus).

BraLoD said:

The idea of changing stages temporarily mid-race sounds pretty fun, but as someone else said, mostly make sense in a Wonder themed track, not the whole game.

Yeah I said that earlier (not sure if anyone else did). It'd be real cool for a single course or maybe even 4 courses (a Wonder Cup), very much overkill if it was every course.

Last edited by Slownenberg - on 19 January 2025

I think the “hook” for this one will be a sandbox Forza Horizon style online single player mode, but obviously Nintendo-fied. It makes the most sense for what they can do to really evolve the franchise after so long and bring something actually new to the table. As for traditional multiplayer, the more racers thing shown will probably be the “gimmick”

It would be funny if they bring Crash, Banjo and Sonic as guest characters



We reap what we sow

160rmf said:

It would be funny if they bring Crash, Banjo and Sonic as guest characters

Sega is about to release another Sonic racing game so I doubt it would happen.

It's always sad Sonic needs to drive a car instead of running, yeah, if he was running there would be no competition, but regardless...

Sonic R2 needs to happen someday.