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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Switch 2 officially announced, switch 2 direct 2nd of April

archbrix said:

Still though, I was expecting the first reveal of MK9 to show a bigger jump with nice lighting, lots of effects, a bunch of animation from the characters, a much improved poly count in the levels... and it may still have that, but this just wasn't the best first impression Nintendo could have made for it.  But I do like the potential for 24 racers at once.

I wasn't expecting much more than what we saw.
I don't remember if I felt a significant difference between how Mario Kart Wii looked compared to 8 off the top of my head, aside from the hover theme. But there's no visible gimick here yet. Just regular racing. So maybe that's part of why it doesn't feel like it stands out?

The Fury said:

Yes, that does indeed appear to be the Nintendo Switch 2.

EDIT: Adding, I hope there is more than just, it's Switch but bigger and more powerful. For both Nintendo and Sony's credit, each gen they've tried to add more than just "here's more power" and yes, even Sony has before anyone says anything (game recording/streaming last gen, dualsense this gen). Nintendo has their thing which is usually innovative ways to play after all.

On that note, I can't imagine not having the recording feature any more. It's so useful in order to save fun and memorable moments you have playing with friends for example.

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Seeing some rumors that the price is coming in at $449US stand alone and $499US with a game.

About damn time. This is for sure an underwhelming reveal trailer compared to the original Switch but I'm just glad it's finally revealed. Seems a May/June launch is likely which is interesting and not far off though I wish both that and the big direct for it were somewhat sooner. Also it's funny a lot of people were talking shit about the leakers cause they assumed a shadow drop was not a possibility when that was always possible.

Last edited by Norion - on 16 January 2025

G2ThaUNiT said:

I'm really interested to see how Nintendo is planning on taking advantage of the joy-cons new mouse capabilities since they're already including it in the marketing. Can't wait to see what Nintendo has in store!

It's time

It's pretty obvious this trailer was just to get people online to shut up about the new Switch it was never meant to be the type of reveal like the original Switch. Different circumstances too. Nintendo NEEDED to immediately sell you on the original Switch following the Wii U. This time around, they don't need to immediately sell you on it. We already know what a Switch is. This is now the Switch 2.

This also gives third parties some time to start announcing their games for the new system without having to redact it lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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It was an ok trailer. The system isn't doing anything for me right now: software obviously is a different story.

I do appreciate how they tried to show how the hardware had changed physically, that was a nice touch. But outside of that, it's alright. Look forward to April though.

Hiku said:
archbrix said:

Still though, I was expecting the first reveal of MK9 to show a bigger jump with nice lighting, lots of effects, a bunch of animation from the characters, a much improved poly count in the levels... and it may still have that, but this just wasn't the best first impression Nintendo could have made for it.  But I do like the potential for 24 racers at once.

I wasn't expecting much more than what we saw.
I don't remember if I felt a significant difference between how Mario Kart Wii looked compared to 8 off the top of my head, aside from the hover theme. But there's no visible gimick here yet. Just regular racing. So maybe that's part of why it doesn't feel like it stands out?

Maybe.  Personally, I did notice a bigger jump from MK Wii to MK8 than what we're seeing here.  But this was very brief and like someone else mentioned, once we see more of MK9 and in DLSS 4K with 24 racers on screen going nuts I'll probably change my tune.  Probably just first impression stuff.

Still incredibly excited for the game though, don't get me wrong.  Mario Kart is one of my favorite IPs of all time and I do love that it was what was showcased as the first title debuted for the new system.

Soo a switch pro, well i do like the design


My youtube gaming page.

Unless they are dropping the Switch 1 price you'd have to be an idiot to buy one now. For a bit more you can get a Switch 2.

Also probably a few people who got a Switch 1 for Christmas who are a bit sour this morning, lol, this was very cynical how they basically held this away from people making holiday shopping decisions and then just shadow dropped a successor like two weeks into the new year, lol. 

archbrix said:
Hiku said:

I wasn't expecting much more than what we saw.
I don't remember if I felt a significant difference between how Mario Kart Wii looked compared to 8 off the top of my head, aside from the hover theme. But there's no visible gimick here yet. Just regular racing. So maybe that's part of why it doesn't feel like it stands out?

Maybe.  Personally, I did notice a bigger jump from MK Wii to MK8 than what we're seeing here.  But this was very brief and like someone else mentioned, once we see more of MK9 and in DLSS 4K with 24 racers on screen going nuts I'll probably change my tune.  Probably just first impression stuff.

Still incredibly excited for the game though, don't get me wrong.  Mario Kart is one of my favorite IPs of all time and I do love that it was what was showcased as the first title debuted for the new system.

The jump was huge in every department. Lighting, models, textures. It really had the wow factor of  next generation Mario. Unlike some other Wii U titles like NSMBU

Edit: And there's still plenty of room to grow visually comparing it to the Mario Movie

Last edited by Otter - on 16 January 2025