Runa216 said:
KLAMarine said:
I'm just giving what I consider to be 'woke' and Google's Pixel ad is an example. It feigns social consciousness when it's really just sleight of hand being used to sell a product. |
Funny when you think about it. If going woke = going broke, then why is it that companies are marketing to the woke crowd? |
I think some of it, is just being scared of the left side (the woke side) that love to toss labels at everyone and name call people.
These big companies don't want to be called racist or transphobic or whatever, so rather than risk that, they pander to them instead.
Look at SBI, the company lead, did a speech where she basically talked about going to HR, and mentioning this risk factor, as a easy way to get your DEI point across if you work at a company (it comes off, as basically threatening, to get consulting jobs).
Part of it is money lending, apparently you get like tax right offs, and have a easier time, borrowing money, if you put in DEI stuff.
Not sure what government funding projects or whatnot this is, but I've heard this mentioned before.
I think another part is just indoctrination.... alot of people are taught this stuff at universities, and come new off the market, thinking like this.
Plus I think, even if LGTBQA+ make up a small part of society,alot of people that get into graphic design and creative fields, are gay or lesbian, compaired to normal people. These people find jobs, in the games industry (someone has to make the graphics ect). And they believe in this stuff, because alot of them are from that part of the community (or have friends from the field that are, so allies as they call themselves).
I think another part of it, is the people that get a kick out of owning the chuds.
Theres people just cant help come out on twitter saying stuff like "gamers are a mistake" "I want to punch these people" ect ect.
Alot of people, just view it as a job... and care nothing about how well the game sales do. Their messaging in the game is more important than the profit the company makes.
So this is the why of it... Even if ultimately it might be counter productive to profit margins.