LegitHyperbole said:
Ryuu96 said:
Lol. There are drones flying around and we don't know who they're from. But folk shoving their phones in the sky at every little thing and being like "Omfg! What is this?! Is it aliens?! Is it China?! Is it Iran!?" only for it to turn out to be your average plane, or a camera lens effect, is becoming mass hysteria. You have evidenced this multiple times with multiple debunked tweets that you have posted, ranging from camera lens effects, to birds flying, to a training scenario, to aircraft vapour.
My issue is with (and this issue happens very often with you specifically) people posting literally ANYTHING that they see, then expect everyone else to debunk it for them, now it's occasionally fine to be like "hey, what do you think this is?" but with you, I don't think you have ANY self control or take a single second to put any critical thinking into what you're posting or question anything, it's very obvious that you just pluck literally the first tweet that you see and don't put a single thought into "Is this credible or not?" and expect others to do the work for you and then we're debunking conspiracy after conspiracy.
I've not really got a problem with people questioning what these drones are doing, who is operating them, etc. I take issue when obvious nonsense is consistently posted and spread without a single thought behind it, earlier you complained that people were making jokes or attacking the sources, have you not considered why that is and if it may have something to do with the sources that you share?
Why do YOU think birds are flying around? Do you really think scenarios like "Birds know there's a nuke" or "Birds know Iran/Russia is flying drones" or "Birds know the aliens are here" actually sound logical at all? If not those then what? Is there a logical explanation other than simply, it's birds migrating and doing what birds do, Lol. Yes animals can sense natural disasters but none of these theories so far have been linked to "natural disasters" at all, it has all been made made theories or "aliens" Lol.
Or ffs. All of the above.... c'mon on man, haven't ya done enough of this with the election and all shit. You are not the arbiter of truth. I do NOT know. You do NOT know. We do NOT know. No one KNOWS. ffs like, you'd swear you held the candle of all that is true in the universe.Â
All of the above? So it's Iranian drones, Russian drones, Nukes and Aliens!
"Haven't you done enough of this" - You mean correcting you? Probably, but I'm far from the only one who has pointed out that you have a history of posting literally anything you see and then expect others to do the work for you, then complain when others call you out on it. I'm not the arbiter of truth but I actually try to take care in what I post and quite frankly I'm sick of having to do peoples fact checking for them.
Like I said, half your posts have been debunked in this thread alone, you're conspiracy theory posting over birds flying, that is why people are mocking you and your sources, that is why people aren't taking you seriously. This is a relatively minor issue for this thread specifically but we're going to start cracking down on misinformation and people with a history of posting shit without verify anything beforehand. Like I said, something is going on, that may be worth discussing, that doesn't justify posting any old shit that you can find and poisoning the discussion, Lol.
I've told you why people are joking around and mocking your sources, you've clearly completely ignored it, I'm not interested in defending you from those mocking's or thread derails if you can't be bothered to put effort into your posting, that was my firm advice, you've thrown it in my face, so please don't come running to the mods if others mock what you're posting.
I've basically told you to take more care in what you post, multiple times, I will make a mental note that you can't be bothered.
Put it this way, I am not the only one who has called out your posting style of posting anything you see and making others to do the fact checking for you, others have called you out on it, multiple non-Mod users, so you also can't claim it's a Mod thing either, now we have this thread where half the thread is mocking you, your sources or joking around, now it could have been a thread of serious discussion but it's not.
Why is that? The common link is yourself, your posting style opens you up to this kind of mocking and people not taking you seriously, how can you expect people to take you seriously considering you put zero thought behind what you're sharing? People don't want to do your fact checking for you, people don't want to see any old Twitter weirdo that you can find, they don't care about "My Uncle at Nintendo" type sources.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 December 2024