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Forums - General Discussion - Drones in the skies above New Jersey. What is going on?

^ Props for not jumping straight to jokes or attacking the news "scources", I think this is a fascinating event even if it's mass hysteria. 

Can anyone explain this one below? No community note so no idea if it's from present day New Jersey. I mean as much as community notes gave helped in this situation, half them are ass and don't explain shit. 

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Its got to be the US government. Not sure if they thought they would go unnoticed or what. Seems obvious they are throwing out flimsy excuses/deflecting/etc.

No idea on the birds. They migrate. Can't tell from the video what direction (south?) they are going, but I see huge groups of birds like that all the time in the midwest.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

epicurean said:

Its got to be the US government. Not sure if they thought they would go unnoticed or what. Seems obvious they are throwing out flimsy excuses/deflecting/etc.

No idea on the birds. They migrate. Can't tell from the video what direction (south?) they are going, but I see huge groups of birds like that all the time in the midwest.

Yeah, I thought so. Strange pattern, I've not seen them branch out like that but I suppose flocks do much Stranger stuff when ya think on it a bit. 

Maybe it's for the best that we don't know. Would anyone here really wanna spend their time nail biting over a dirty bomb while half the US cities head for the country and shit falls apart. I would be inclined to be more hopeful and think it may be a weapons system flex on Russia against that hyper sonic missile, saying "hey, we can shoot your shit down". It has to be something simple like that.

LegitHyperbole said:

^ Props for not jumping straight to jokes or attacking the news "scources", I think this is a fascinating event even if it's mass hysteria. 

Can anyone explain this one below? No community note so no idea if it's from present day New Jersey. I mean as much as community notes gave helped in this situation, half them are ass and don't explain shit. 

Are the birds heading south from NJ?  Isn't that what they do every winter?

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BFR said:
LegitHyperbole said:

^ Props for not jumping straight to jokes or attacking the news "scources", I think this is a fascinating event even if it's mass hysteria. 

Can anyone explain this one below? No community note so no idea if it's from present day New Jersey. I mean as much as community notes gave helped in this situation, half them are ass and don't explain shit. 

Are the birds heading south from NJ?  Isn't that what they do every winter?

It's the murmuratiom pattern that's weird, the thin strips, usually you see filled out patterns. I've never seem anything like that but I suppose I'm not in America. Also, timing is weird but again, America, idk much about bird species there that migrate this late. 

It's still fall here in the US. Winter doesn't start until Saturday.

Maybe people make jokes or mock because you post any tweet you see, like BGatesIsaPyscho, Lmao.

"New Jersey Residents are now reporting unusual Bird patterns as Thousands of birds migrate from New Jersey"

I'm sorry but I laughed at him in the same sentence as labelling it as "unusual" also providing the explanation.

There's nothing weird with the 2nd video and the 1st video is 10 seconds of an extremely close up shot of birds doing bird things. This is why some people are mocking or getting tired of this already, because everyone is looking up at the sky for once in their lives now and posting any old shit they see as evidence of Iranian drones, Russian drones, Aliens, UFOs, etc. It has poisoned the well from the original mystery.

What's more likely.

  1. Birds are migrating and doing typical bird things.
  2. Birds know that the aliens have arrived.
  3. Birds know that Russia/Iran are flying drones around America.
  4. Birds know about a man made disaster about to happen.


Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 December 2024

There's no way this isn't a satire thread



We reap what we sow

Ryuu96 said:

Maybe people make jokes or mock because you post any tweet you see, like BGatesIsaPyscho, Lmao.

"New Jersey Residents are now reporting unusual Bird patterns as Thousands of birds migrate from New Jersey"

I'm sorry but I laughed at him in the same sentence as labelling it as "unusual" also providing the explanation.

There's nothing weird with the 2nd video and the 1st video is 10 seconds of an extremely close up shot of birds doing bird things. This is why some people are mocking or getting tired of this already, because everyone is looking up at the sky for once in their lives now and posting any old shit they see as evidence of Iranian drones, Russian drones, Aliens, UFOs, etc. It has poisoned the well from the original mystery.

What's more likely.

  1. Birds are migrating and doing typical bird things.
  2. Birds know that the aliens have arrived.
  3. Birds know that Russia/Iran are flying drones around America.
  4. Birds know about a man made disaster about to happen.


You're such a skeptic and have such a great handle on reality. You have it all solved. I wish I could be as smart as you.