Koragg said:
D4 was the gateway drug into ARPGs for me, I finished the main story but my friends who are more hardcore in these games feel the endgame and DLC is disappointing so I didn't bother with it.
After the content reveal for PoE 2, here's what Rod Fergusson (D4 Manager) had to say:
1) wow.... going from D4 to POE, is like eating a cheap box pizza vs going to Italty for a resturant, thats famous for its pizza.
2) everyone always called their games "diablo-like".
GGG themselves 10 years ago, with POE1, said it was a Diablo-like game, taking inspiration from D2.
His tweet sounds a lot like that tweet about Baldurs Gate 3,.... "dont expect or hold others to the same standard" thingy.
When larian impressed with their game. Diablo is not the king of hack n slash's for me atleast, that died after diablo II.
LegitHyperbole said:
It looks great but if it suffers the same Looting as PoE I'll pass. The Diablo guy has a point though, Diablo did it first, they made this sub genre but casuals will say it's a game like Diablo anyway. As much as hardcore PoE players wanna shit on Diablo 4, it is WAY more popular.
Popular doesn't mean its a better game though.
Diablo 4 is only good if your a casual that plans to play througt the story, and after 50-60hours plans to quit the game and never return
(or maybe just 1 more character to try so whats differnt).
If you actually want to live and breathe, hack n slash that is diablo-like.... and for 100's of hours, and challenge yourself.... POE is that.
I think its also a much more rewarding experiance than playing D4.
The thing is, most of the market, is won over by the Name and marketing, and Cutscenes trailers.... (all the sh*t that doesn't matter)
The vast majority are cusual players.
That is why Diablo 4 is doing well, its a old franchie and its easy mode playstyle appeals to many, and they are sold on the cutscenes.
Gameplay and endgame in POE sh*t's all over D4.
Last edited by JRPGfan - on 04 December 2024