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Forums - General Discussion - How often do you floss?


How often do you floss

Every day 6 24.00%
Almost every day 5 20.00%
Every other day 2 8.00%
Once or twice a week 4 16.00%
About a couple times a month 4 16.00%
Just before seeing the dentist 0 0%
Only when the dentist does it for me 0 0%
I can't remember the last time I flossed 2 8.00%
I flossed a few times as ... 0 0%
I don't think I've ever flossed 2 8.00%
LegitHyperbole said:
Zkuq said:

No. Just no. I don't and I haven't.

You'd be surprised what ends up on that string. Honestly. You should. 

I don't really care. I use a toothpick when there's something that annoys me, and that will have to do. I might be more interested in flossing if I had (more serious) dental problems, but as it is, I don't think it's just worth the effort, and I don't really care about perfection in this regard. Good enough is good enough.

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I used to floss daily. But, I then learned that it has very little health benefit *if you brush your teeth a couple of times per day*. If you don't brush, flossing is very beneficial. But, brushing does 99% of the job. So, flossing on top of brushing doesn't do much. Nowadays, I floss when I have something stuck in my teeth, or if I notice the floss when I'm not busy, and decide to give it a go. I probably average 1.5 times per week.  

For those of you who don’t floss ever or rarely, how old are you and when was your last examination? Not all decay hurts and just because you don’t have tooth pain doesn’t mean you don’t have cavities or plaque buildup.

If you’re in your twenties and even early thirties, this isn’t much of a surprise, but as you get older the checks you’ve been cashing in your younger years come due.

I do know that some people are just gifted with resilient teeth that never need care beyond normal brushing. To those people, you won the dental lottery and you should feel blessed.

VAMatt said:

I used to floss daily. But, I then learned that it has very little health benefit *if you brush your teeth a couple of times per day*. If you don't brush, flossing is very beneficial. But, brushing does 99% of the job. So, flossing on top of brushing doesn't do much. Nowadays, I floss when I have something stuck in my teeth, or if I notice the floss when I'm not busy, and decide to give it a go. I probably average 1.5 times per week.  

Where'd you hear that? My dentist told me when I was 18 (damn near 20 years ago now) that if I didn't start flossing I'd be losing teeth by my 40s.

I like it when my mom goes out of town because I get to sleep on her side of the bed. -William Montgomery

super_etecoon said:

For those of you who don’t floss ever or rarely, how old are you and when was your last examination? Not all decay hurts and just because you don’t have tooth pain doesn’t mean you don’t have cavities or plaque buildup.

If you’re in your twenties and even early thirties, this isn’t much of a surprise, but as you get older the checks you’ve been cashing in your younger years come due.

I do know that some people are just gifted with resilient teeth that never need care beyond normal brushing. To those people, you won the dental lottery and you should feel blessed.

33, and my last examination probably when I was 18. I've had minor issues for some years now, but watching a bit what I eat and brushing my teeth carefully enough remedies the situation. I should probably get my teeth examined, but my hunch is that the lack of flossing isn't really the issue anyway. Or maybe it is, but I'm sure we'll see one day.

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Zkuq said:
super_etecoon said:

For those of you who don’t floss ever or rarely, how old are you and when was your last examination? Not all decay hurts and just because you don’t have tooth pain doesn’t mean you don’t have cavities or plaque buildup.

If you’re in your twenties and even early thirties, this isn’t much of a surprise, but as you get older the checks you’ve been cashing in your younger years come due.

I do know that some people are just gifted with resilient teeth that never need care beyond normal brushing. To those people, you won the dental lottery and you should feel blessed.

33, and my last examination probably when I was 18. I've had minor issues for some years now, but watching a bit what I eat and brushing my teeth carefully enough remedies the situation. I should probably get my teeth examined, but my hunch is that the lack of flossing isn't really the issue anyway. Or maybe it is, but I'm sure we'll see one day.

That definitely sounds like my pattern when I was younger. I am a very recent convert to flossing regularly (the past 10 years) and the difference it has made in my cleanings is pretty substantial. Again, it depends on your teeth and some folks are just blessed. I am not one of those and had cavities from a very young age (parents that didn’t enforce brushing rules didn’t help). I just couldn’t be bothered with it until I had to get a deep cleaning (also known as root planing, but what a scary combination of words that is). The cost and the discomfort associated with that procedure made me an overnight convert. Never again!

Most people don't floss, but I am suddenly supposed to believe that over half of hardcore gamers on this forum floss at least every second day?


VAMatt said:

I used to floss daily. But, I then learned that it has very little health benefit *if you brush your teeth a couple of times per day*.


To be fair I have been flossing daily for about 17 years now. I don't have any dental issues, no fillings either etc.

I can get behind your argument if you don't have tightly packed teeth, but the reason I am consistent with my flossing is because my teeth get nasty if I don't floss. Oral flora or tight teeth to blame? Who knows, but I do it because I have to.

probably every 2 or days . I'm lazy. We should be flossing daily, and my wife berates me for not doing so.

Anyway u want to get rid of bad breath, drink water ., floss, brush, mouth wash. if that fails, you might have tonsil stones. get it checked out.

SuperJortendo said:
VAMatt said:

I used to floss daily. But, I then learned that it has very little health benefit *if you brush your teeth a couple of times per day*. If you don't brush, flossing is very beneficial. But, brushing does 99% of the job. So, flossing on top of brushing doesn't do much. Nowadays, I floss when I have something stuck in my teeth, or if I notice the floss when I'm not busy, and decide to give it a go. I probably average 1.5 times per week.  

Where'd you hear that? My dentist told me when I was 18 (damn near 20 years ago now) that if I didn't start flossing I'd be losing teeth by my 40s.

Camsteroid said:
VAMatt said:

I used to floss daily. But, I then learned that it has very little health benefit *if you brush your teeth a couple of times per day*.


To be fair I have been flossing daily for about 17 years now. I don't have any dental issues, no fillings either etc.

I can get behind your argument if you don't have tightly packed teeth, but the reason I am consistent with my flossing is because my teeth get nasty if I don't floss. Oral flora or tight teeth to blame? Who knows, but I do it because I have to.

I believe I first heard it from a hygenist that I knew personally.  I then talked to my dentist about it, who agreed in principle, but still said flossing daily is important (even if it doesn't do much, it does do something).  

Last edited by VAMatt - on 07 December 2024